Monday, October 30, 2006

month long recap

I finally found some time to sit down and blog (because I'm supposed to be documenting Visopsys, and obviously procrastination comes into play) and I realised I have a million pictures that I havn't uploaded, and some stuff I wanted to write but never got around to doing. So here goes, some random stuff from the month of October.

peewee and I drove down to Holland Village for lunch one day, because I was craving "something good", and according to peewee, you can't get good food in school. We started out with a divine pizza from Spizza, but I was too hungry to camwhore that part of the afternoon. I really must get myself into this groove of taking lots of pictures to pepper my blog with. Hinthintnewdigitalcamerahinthint. Seriously though, if anyone buys me a ridiculously expensive present, I'll beat you over the head with it. I don't like it when people spend tons of money on me unnecessarily, it makes me feel obliged.

So the pizza was absolutely delicious, some pesto-chicken thing, and then I convinced peewee to pay for my dessert in exchange for me driving her around all the time. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to take pictures IN the store itself. They had everything from chocolate linguine to giant meringues to tiramisu to freshly baked bread, and all of it smelled simply divine. Eventually we settled on a mint-chocolate-cheese-type-cake, and a green cupcake with tons of rainbow sprinkles. After we'd devoured more than half the cake, I remembered that I'm a blog-whore again, and made peewee wait till I took pictures of the cupcake. Which was so damn adorable.

So there you have it. My trip to da paolo gastronomia.

I had four midterms between Friday and Saturday, so on Sunday I decided to unwind in the best way a girl can, with some of her crazy friends and a giant coffee at starbucks. I think I overdid it. Either way, we laughed a lot, but that's nothing new. My weekends usually are tons of fun when I meet the boys. I'm still most amused by doof's solemn proclamation that "It was written."

Something a little out of the ordinary did happen though. We ended up outside mcdonalds, because doof and I were craving fries, and twinks is just pliable like that, and the two of them were teaching me to play the soccer-with-3-coins-and-obscene-looking-goal-posts game, when this little boy who was probably about 5 or 6 years old started to make fun of me. First he mimicked everything I said, and then he made faces at me from across the tables. After some time I realised that the boys were staring past my shoulder, so I turned around to see the little man offering me this:

According to him, it's Latvia (did I get that right, doof?) from Pokemon. I think I made a date with him for Tuesday, so he could show me his "million million Pokemon stickers!"

Too damn cute. I got bullied and then hit on by a 6 year old. He got stood up though. That’s what happens when you tease a girl too much. Hmph. I didn't manage to get a picture of him, but let me assure you, he was quite the character. According to the boys he did a little boob-grabbing dance just after he walked away from our table.

Speaking of boob grabbing....

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The boys accompanied me costume shopping for last night's halloween party (doof because he's cool like that, and twinks because he needed to buy new soccer boots and I promised him I'd accompany him if he came with me). I ended up not getting a full costume, just some props to make me feel pretty, but I had a whale of a time looking around.

yes, yes, I know, cleavage galore... my mom pointed it out to me already, tyvm. Also, twinks apparently saw a guy oogling my boobs and didn't share the joke. Doof and I were most disappointed. We like laughing at stuff like that.

buzzeriffic memories. Bzzzzzz. Well, here we are. This is... MY place *winkwink*

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doof is jap + emo = superdupercool.

I did rent those wings in the end. When I get pictures of the night itself, I'll put them up. btw, not that you can really see them, but those are my spankerriffic new jeans that I got from Vivo City. Which is also where I saw this:

more bizarre candy-goodness:

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Skittles from China, which, according to Doof, read as "Rainbow".

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Did you know that there was a programming language called Cocoa?

And just some other random news/realisations made over the month:

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I stayed back in school till late, a LOT. Funny enough, school doesn't really look much like a school at that time of the night. Odd, really. Unless of course we're talking about that particular Saturday, when the PSI hit 150, and I walked out of the building at close to 11 and wondered for a couple of minutes why the condensation wouldn't wipe off my glasses. On days like that, when the haze makes Singapore look like London and smell like Bangkok, it's not so odd, because there's a logical explanation for it.

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Mel lives in a haunted house lookalike.

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my nephew is an adorable monkey.

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ash blonde highlights look pretty on me. Even if I do look like a mama girl.

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a) plaid is all the fashion, so I can stop mourning that $100 skirt from Topshop 3 years ago, and find myself a nicer one for cheaper
b) when mickey's late, Zara can be entertaining
c) The Departed was a good movie. So was The Prestige.

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My friends like Indian food. I'm not the only one who thinks Indian sweets are WAY too sweet.

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Doof got a job at Starbucks. HELLO FREE COFFEE! Congratulations again, Mister Barista to-be *grin*

and with that, I'm signing off, with kisses for all:

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