Sunday, October 08, 2006

post-it entry

I've got a lot to blog about actually, I've even made little notes about it, but right now I'm just too swamped with work to sit down and meander my thoughts. Hurr hurr, I just had to use a fancy word. Maybe I should rant about that in my next post too, people who use big-ass words just because they're big-ass words.

So anyway, expect a hell of a long entry coming up soon-ish (no promises! If you've heard my list of deadlines for the next couple of weeks you'll probably understand why. I refuse to list them out here, it'll just depress me.) but in the mean time, I just wanted to say that while the haze is killing my sinuses, it's kind of nice, in a perverse Mr Hyde sort of way, because Singapore doesn't really look like Singapore when it's practically drowning in fog-like-stuff.

And also, sometimes it can be incredibly nice to be yelled at. Thank you bubba, for telling me exactly what I need to hear right now. I hope you end up getting piss drunk tonight, and if not, I hope that the taxi man atleast gets you home in one piece. Here's to liver killing together when our semesters end.

The rest of you.... bear with me being more or less non-existant for a month or two more, kay?

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