Monday, October 02, 2006

Bollywood Loving, and some other stuff

Okay so I was in a really shit-assed mood over the weekend. I should apologise to some people for that, but I know they love me and forgive me, and they know that I'm sorry, so this time it all works out alright. This time.

I'm in an absolutely splendid mood, because I managed to finally get my "make_request_action.jsp" file work. That's half my project done, woohoo! A couple more hours of working on it tonight, a couple more tomorrow, and then it'll be done and I can go back to cramming for midterm and rushing through other projects. Good lord it's a busy semester this time around.

In other news, I finally visited the Science Library in school. It's about as old school as the Business Library, and mind-bogglingly enough, less crowded. How is it that the Central Library, in the Arts Faculty, famous for it's slackeriffic students, is always so full, but I have absolutely no trouble finding a table and socket in nerd-central?

And now... what I know you all wait for. PICTURES!

I had a cap on my bag. Doof decided to wear the cap. With the bag attached. Sometimes, when we're out in public together, he almost manages to embarrass me. Almost.

My favourite almost-celebrity couple. How can you go wrong with blending your names together into one most ridiculously sounding one? Here's to Melsley, still smiling, despite a ridiculous queue outside Phuture on Zouk's Mambo Night last week.

Speaking of which, we got fed up and ended up walking over to the ButterFactory. For a while, I was worried that I'm growing old, because I was getting pretty damn bored well before I had to leave at the terribly late hour of *gasp* 1am. Then I remembered that I'd had no booze. Not only that, no one around me had had any booze either, so there were no drunks to laugh at. Although the white boys attempting to dance were kind of amusing.

If you ever take the lift in the Business Library, look out for this. I was most amused.

That's what our balcony looks like after a night at Navratri celebrations. Pretty clothes put out to air because of copious amounts of perspiration. It's not so much that the function is held in a stuffy room or anything. It's just that we dance so much. It's great and all, because it only happens once a year, but damn, can it get stinky.

Not only do you get stinky, you also get some wicked grimy feet, and nasty blisters. I'm still limping a bit. youch.

Navratri was fun. A lot less... intense, then most years. I think I had the most fun last night though, when I was just standing against a wall next to a childhood friend. He's in the army now, and we were both checking out this gorgeous girl, who very unfortunately was making a complete fool of herself because she just cannot dance. There was a man standing in front of us, carrying his daughter, and she just would not stop staring at my friend. It was hilarious. For a good ten to fifteen minutes she just STARED. It was the most serious, solemn expression. I was very amused. And then we tried to figure out what WE did at these functions when we were that age, and neither of us has a clue. According to my dad, I danced with him, and according to my mom, I used to disappear to play catching with the boys.

Tada! Long long entry. Now to get my butt off to class. Two more hours of boring tutorials, and then I can stuff my face at Subway with peeweepie. Yumyum!

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