Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Of Star Wars, Stockings and Starbucks

I was talking to Sean, my non boyfriend, and doof on msn, when Sean showed me a picture of him against the life size cutout of Vader that he has in his room. My conversations from there on went something like this:

Sean: So what do you think, am I still skinny?
Me: I WANT. Vader I mean.
Sean: Oh. Damn. I got all excited for a minute there.

Me: babe, as a belated birthday present can you buy me a giant poster of Darth Maul? I just saw Sean's Vader cut out and now I'm jealous.
MyNonBoyfriend(MNB): Vader is cooler.
Me: I can't believe you just said that.
MNB: I'm old school, what can I do.

Me: I'm sad cos nobody agrees with me that Maul is more badass looking than Vader
Doof: Maul is badass! Vader is a bit gh3y, unfortunately.

Me = yay with Doof, boo with the other two boys.

How can you honestly say that Vader is cooler than Maul? I mean, yes, I have to agree with you that the original trilogy was awesomely awesomer than the prequels, but come on! Maul was so bad ass!!!

I've always loved watching those movies. One of the few that I can watch over and over and over again. I've got hella fond memories of curling up on the couch and watching them with my dad. I always find it odd when people say they don't get the films, or that they find them boring, or that they haven't watched them and don't want to. It bemuses me because..

Okay, I'm done raving about Star Wars, only because I just started laughing uncontrollably. We recently discovered the joy of the handwrite tab, and I drew doof a heart... to which his response was "geez, you're actually worse than i am." I found that positively hilarious, because it's true. I'm really REALLY useless when it comes to art. Here's some pictures he drew me today:

That's supposed to be me. He apologised for making me look like a filament bulb.

Darth Maul

Darth Vader.

Since I was uploading pictures anyway, here's some of the pictures from the past weeks which I transferred from my phone. I have oodles more that I've been too lazy to bluetooth over.

From Doranne's party:

This is Robin. Who looks vividly different from what I remember him looking like, so maybe it's not Robin after all. If it's not, I apologise to both him and Robin. But if it is Robin, then this is the guy who let me use a $2000 camera to take a picture of him. The camera wasn't his. And he thought I was drunk. And it was the first time he was meeting me. Brave, or stupid? You decide.

Happy people (well, kinda happy people) and my stripes. Yay stripey stockings!!

Mark, who was extremely concerned about the excessively pointy nose of his mask.

Random pictures:

A tractor in school, while PeeWee and I were walking to the Guild House after she made me skip class again. YOU BAD INFLUENCE you. Tsk.

The old-school stamp I got when I went to Cheekyz with DouglasKumar on the 19th, after Mel's party. It made me very happy, and not just because I got to enter for free.

What my life has looked like lately. Schoolbooks, laptop, mp3 player, and lots and lots and lots of coffee. Sigh.

of smug frustration

It's nice to know that I'm not crazy. In the "fuck I need to be admitted NOW" kind of way. Crazy happy is always good. No really, I can't think of a single example of when crazy happy would be bad. Can you?

I'm meeting my sister for lunch later today. Mmmm, Thai Express. God Bless Siglap. One the reasons why I can't say whether or not I'd really move out of the East.

I just remembered why I hated blogger with such a passion. It's ridiculously slow. Any of you goobers using Wordpress wanna guarantee me that it's faster? I'll switch over if it is. What's the difference between the two anyway?

Friday, February 23, 2007

Another random one

Today Apit and Nissa both offered me their free drinks. I paid anyway, but it makes me happy when people are randomly nice to me like that. (Like a certain someone. Grin.)

Also, getting compliments from gay men totally makes my day. Mainly because you know they're being sincere. Yay!

I know I said I'd never buy into the leggings trend. Do my purple stockings make me a sell out?

Robin "I borrowed my friend's $2000 camera, brought it to a party, and then let a girl who I thought was drunk use it" WhateverHisLastNameIs thinks I look like an Alicia. That made me laugh. A lot.

Updates still pending (who wants to bet I end up not blogging about them at all?)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Another one of those list-posts that doof hates.

1) Doof and I share a hatred for abacus users, a love for lousy subtitling, an understanding of crazy family dynamics, and a fond memory of the JiGong (ZhiGong?) series that used to come on tcs8. Also, I love the way Chinese names translated into English make me happy. No light? Male prostitute? Oh the cheap thrills in life that keep me sane.

2) Starbucks makes me happy.

3) Adam said my curls were pretty, yay!

4) Hana's a lovely doomus who came to say hi. HI!!

5) A stray cat tried to follow me home and it almost broke my heart to have to leave it behind.

6) I do not have a boyfriend. And the closest thing I do have to a boyfriend is not gangster-rap-like-Ali-G. He's too busy getting piss drunk all the time to be gangsta rap.

7) I couldn't go dancing with Fiong tonight because I promised Dougie that I'd go dancing with him, and I have to pay for Mel's present, which means I'm going to be broke for the rest of the week.... and I haven't even got my allowance yet.

8) I offically hate this one guy in my project group. He's difficult and annoying and seems bent on ruining my nights.

9) I need to buy new swimwear. Hot new swimwear.

10) Lingerie shopping alone without buying anything is extreme amounts of fun.

11) I watched The Trouble With Harry, and it was good. I also watched Singing in the Rain, which was also good. Whatshisname O'Whatshisothername is a brilliant tapdancer.

12) I'm totally missing out stuff from the past couple of days, but I'm tired, so this is all you get for now.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Visit from an Emo Ekta

It's people like these who make me feel justified in making racist comments.... because they deserve them.

Asshole. Screwing up my night.

Warning to the lot of you out there: Don't ever try to get me to do work at night. Night time = unwinding before bed time. Not stressing out over fucked up bs time.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sebab Saya Shotgun

For those of you who understand Malay, this will probably amuse you as much as it did me.

For those of you who don't, I hope this entertains instead:

If you notice that your skin is getting extra sensitive lately because of the weird weather, don't do any spa-grooming-type-activities at home. You may end up looking like you got beaten up, like me. I have scars under my eyebrows, above my temple, below my ear, and below my nose.

I look so bad-ass.

I need a spiffy camera so I can take proper pictures, yo.

Stories of Care Bears colouring books and other random joy coming up, so stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

of a silly sweet song

I've been skiving off my project, because I was fed up with the way things were going and just needed to take a step back for a while. Part of me still thinks it's a stupid thing to do, when I'd hardly taken any steps forward to begin with, but I refuse to let myself go crazy from all the work. As much as I want my grades to improve, I'm not willing to go down that path again.

I watched ER after dinner with my sister and mom. It was the episode of the "crazy fat guy day", formally known as "Do One, Teach One, Kill One". Thanks to the powers of search engines, I present you with the most amazing song I've heard in a long time:

"I'm A Poached Egg" by George and Ira Gershwin

I'm a poached egg without a piece of toast
Yorkshire pudding without a beef to roast
I'm a haunted house that hasn't got a ghost
When I'm without you.

I'm a mousetrap without a piece of cheese
I'm Vienna without the Viennese
I'm DaVinci without the Mona Lis
When I'm without you.

I'm Las Vegas without a slot machine
I'm a gypsy without a tambourine
I'm Napolean without a Josephine
When I'm without you.

I'm a doctor without a single pill
I'm a lawyer who never drew a will
I'm a dentist without a tooth to fill
When I'm without you.

I feel like a chapter of my life is over, and oddly enough, I don't seem to want to write about it. On a completely unrelated note, I really really want a pet. My cacti are adorable and all, but they don't do very much. I don't love them any less for it, but I'd like to be entertained in return sometimes.

I copied a bunch of pictures from Mel's laptop the other day, but I was browsing Friendster today and realised that really, most of the pictures we take are on Farah's camera. So Farah, if you're reading this, let me know the next time you bring your laptop to school so I can come steal pictures. Thanks in advance.

My daddy's going to Indonesia for work tomorrow. I told him he'd better pack his wellingtons. My mother had to translate that for him into daddy-speak, and I discovered that my father calls them gumboots. For some reason the idea of my father wearing gumboots had me in stitches.

Speaking of family, my grandma had to go for an x-ray today. I slept through the entire ordeal. I woke up at about noon, just in time for lunch. My mother, bless her soul, went there expecting the worst, so she wasn't excessively frazzled by it. She even managed to make these delicious little chicken voul-a-vent thingies. Yumyum.

I need to go shopping, but I haven't got the cash to spend. I'm also looking forward extremely much to yoga tomorrow. I need to get myself more exercise, I feel so antsy without anything to vent my energy on.

I love the weather lately, you'll never see me complaining about Singapore being cold, because I think the hot months can get really ridiculous, so I'm glad when it cools down some. I'm amazed at how much it's drying out my skin though. My nose has been peeling like crazy. Oh it burns!

No pictures today, because I'm too lazy to translate them. I do have to mention that my darling best friend, Natasha, apparently thinks I'm extremely voyeuristic. I whipped out my phone to take a picture of a guy on the bike next to us while my car was stopped at a traffic light (I'll put up the picture sometime, and maybe you'll understand why I simply had to take a picture of him) and she said "that thing is like a weapon in her hands". All that after mistaking me for a taxi driver too. Hmph.

I actually only meant to post the lyrics to that song, but as usual I digressed. So till next time,
achesy, who's got the itchy scratchy itch going on

(p.s. I still think Lucy Liu is gorgeous)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Of Captains, Camwhores and Cuteness

Wednesday night saw us at Brewerkz, watching the match on screens instead of live, because we were with Kristy's family, celebrating her 21st birthday. Happy Birthday, Captain, hope you liked the presents.

We had beer:

Followed by margaritas, more beer, and then these adorable little beer shooters:

Supposedly samplers of all their lighter beers. I discovered that Mel, Fiona and Farah like the same stuff, Kristy and I like the same stuff, and PornWee just doesn't like beer.

We also had tons of really good food, and lots and lots of gossip. I came home really stuffed, and sleepy, feeling just a smidgen ill:

Waking up on Thursday morning was a bit of a bitch, but I dragged my butt down to school, and ended up parking right in front of this champion:

At least I wasn't parked NEXT to him.

I ended up skipping my 3211 lecture because I felt like I was going to die, and spent some time with Fiona and Stella. Also, Mark makes me laugh, and Stella sucks at Strategy games. Also also, one of the guys in the Boardgame Society totally has a thing for Fiona.

Today I slept in, and ended up missing my morning lecture, but I did finish some work and go for my tutorial, so I rewarded myself by going shopping with PeeWee and Mel. Who made me try on a cheongsam. I look like a mother:

Did you know, that camwhoring is really hard work? Just look at Porn Wee, trying to take a picture of Mel:

And look at Mel, so exhausted from posing that she can't even open a packet of chilli sauce:

After gorging myself on the chilli cheese fries at SUPERDOG!!!!! (how can you say that without comic book intonation?!) we shopped some more. Mel ended up spending so much at Tangs that she got a shit load of free things, and PeeWee decided that she wants to be Mel's girlfriend, so that she can get presents "just because".

Also, meet Trix, our newest acquisition. PeeWee wedged him onto my dashboard while we were stuck in the traffic jam on the way to Parkway. She's evil, that girl is. You think she's sweet and innocent, but really, she's mean.

Poor, poor Trix =(

And then I came home and had rumNcoke with my parents and an amazing dinner of leftovers (burger-dokhlas, star shaped parathas, rice with kadhi and mugh ni dahl (which, btw, has to be the best food in the world, EVER), and ras. Yummy yummy in my tummy!)

Speaking of which, I redeemed my free Starbucks drink this morning. Thanks again, doofledoofs!!

Also, Jess left me a note telling me that she thought I'd enjoy this, which I decided to share with all of you. You see what I mean about bizarre things on the internet?! Snort. It's kind of coincidental, since Mel and PornWee and I were discussing vibrating dental floss earlier today. But there you go. Yet another essential iPod accessory.