Friday, February 02, 2007

Of Captains, Camwhores and Cuteness

Wednesday night saw us at Brewerkz, watching the match on screens instead of live, because we were with Kristy's family, celebrating her 21st birthday. Happy Birthday, Captain, hope you liked the presents.

We had beer:

Followed by margaritas, more beer, and then these adorable little beer shooters:

Supposedly samplers of all their lighter beers. I discovered that Mel, Fiona and Farah like the same stuff, Kristy and I like the same stuff, and PornWee just doesn't like beer.

We also had tons of really good food, and lots and lots of gossip. I came home really stuffed, and sleepy, feeling just a smidgen ill:

Waking up on Thursday morning was a bit of a bitch, but I dragged my butt down to school, and ended up parking right in front of this champion:

At least I wasn't parked NEXT to him.

I ended up skipping my 3211 lecture because I felt like I was going to die, and spent some time with Fiona and Stella. Also, Mark makes me laugh, and Stella sucks at Strategy games. Also also, one of the guys in the Boardgame Society totally has a thing for Fiona.

Today I slept in, and ended up missing my morning lecture, but I did finish some work and go for my tutorial, so I rewarded myself by going shopping with PeeWee and Mel. Who made me try on a cheongsam. I look like a mother:

Did you know, that camwhoring is really hard work? Just look at Porn Wee, trying to take a picture of Mel:

And look at Mel, so exhausted from posing that she can't even open a packet of chilli sauce:

After gorging myself on the chilli cheese fries at SUPERDOG!!!!! (how can you say that without comic book intonation?!) we shopped some more. Mel ended up spending so much at Tangs that she got a shit load of free things, and PeeWee decided that she wants to be Mel's girlfriend, so that she can get presents "just because".

Also, meet Trix, our newest acquisition. PeeWee wedged him onto my dashboard while we were stuck in the traffic jam on the way to Parkway. She's evil, that girl is. You think she's sweet and innocent, but really, she's mean.

Poor, poor Trix =(

And then I came home and had rumNcoke with my parents and an amazing dinner of leftovers (burger-dokhlas, star shaped parathas, rice with kadhi and mugh ni dahl (which, btw, has to be the best food in the world, EVER), and ras. Yummy yummy in my tummy!)

Speaking of which, I redeemed my free Starbucks drink this morning. Thanks again, doofledoofs!!

Also, Jess left me a note telling me that she thought I'd enjoy this, which I decided to share with all of you. You see what I mean about bizarre things on the internet?! Snort. It's kind of coincidental, since Mel and PornWee and I were discussing vibrating dental floss earlier today. But there you go. Yet another essential iPod accessory.


Anonymous said...

hey babe,
I thought the dog's name was tricks??? haha,pwee

nesarcy said...

I realised that after I made the post.... but Trix looks so much prettier!