Wednesday, February 07, 2007

of a silly sweet song

I've been skiving off my project, because I was fed up with the way things were going and just needed to take a step back for a while. Part of me still thinks it's a stupid thing to do, when I'd hardly taken any steps forward to begin with, but I refuse to let myself go crazy from all the work. As much as I want my grades to improve, I'm not willing to go down that path again.

I watched ER after dinner with my sister and mom. It was the episode of the "crazy fat guy day", formally known as "Do One, Teach One, Kill One". Thanks to the powers of search engines, I present you with the most amazing song I've heard in a long time:

"I'm A Poached Egg" by George and Ira Gershwin

I'm a poached egg without a piece of toast
Yorkshire pudding without a beef to roast
I'm a haunted house that hasn't got a ghost
When I'm without you.

I'm a mousetrap without a piece of cheese
I'm Vienna without the Viennese
I'm DaVinci without the Mona Lis
When I'm without you.

I'm Las Vegas without a slot machine
I'm a gypsy without a tambourine
I'm Napolean without a Josephine
When I'm without you.

I'm a doctor without a single pill
I'm a lawyer who never drew a will
I'm a dentist without a tooth to fill
When I'm without you.

I feel like a chapter of my life is over, and oddly enough, I don't seem to want to write about it. On a completely unrelated note, I really really want a pet. My cacti are adorable and all, but they don't do very much. I don't love them any less for it, but I'd like to be entertained in return sometimes.

I copied a bunch of pictures from Mel's laptop the other day, but I was browsing Friendster today and realised that really, most of the pictures we take are on Farah's camera. So Farah, if you're reading this, let me know the next time you bring your laptop to school so I can come steal pictures. Thanks in advance.

My daddy's going to Indonesia for work tomorrow. I told him he'd better pack his wellingtons. My mother had to translate that for him into daddy-speak, and I discovered that my father calls them gumboots. For some reason the idea of my father wearing gumboots had me in stitches.

Speaking of family, my grandma had to go for an x-ray today. I slept through the entire ordeal. I woke up at about noon, just in time for lunch. My mother, bless her soul, went there expecting the worst, so she wasn't excessively frazzled by it. She even managed to make these delicious little chicken voul-a-vent thingies. Yumyum.

I need to go shopping, but I haven't got the cash to spend. I'm also looking forward extremely much to yoga tomorrow. I need to get myself more exercise, I feel so antsy without anything to vent my energy on.

I love the weather lately, you'll never see me complaining about Singapore being cold, because I think the hot months can get really ridiculous, so I'm glad when it cools down some. I'm amazed at how much it's drying out my skin though. My nose has been peeling like crazy. Oh it burns!

No pictures today, because I'm too lazy to translate them. I do have to mention that my darling best friend, Natasha, apparently thinks I'm extremely voyeuristic. I whipped out my phone to take a picture of a guy on the bike next to us while my car was stopped at a traffic light (I'll put up the picture sometime, and maybe you'll understand why I simply had to take a picture of him) and she said "that thing is like a weapon in her hands". All that after mistaking me for a taxi driver too. Hmph.

I actually only meant to post the lyrics to that song, but as usual I digressed. So till next time,
achesy, who's got the itchy scratchy itch going on

(p.s. I still think Lucy Liu is gorgeous)


Anonymous said...

LALALALA MISSS YOUUU! I now know what you mean when you said you can hardly do any work in school when you have your laptop with you.

- Hana

Anonymous said...

I have to thank you because I was watching the same ER episode and wanted to find that song. When I looked it up I found your blog entry. Now I know the name and composers of the song. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

where can i get the song from?
cannot find it anyhwere online
youtube failed me too.

nesarcy said...

Well there's

But I'm not sure where you can find a clip of the song as it was sung in the ER episode. Perhaps your best bet would just be to rent the DVD?

atiqahdahalan said...

hey, thanx to search engine, i got the lyrics here from you. weee~

i just watch the re-run.

anyway, like ur blog!

Leland said...

This song also appears in a movie directed by Billy Wilder called Kiss Me, Stupid (1966).

HUNGRY said...

camo acroos ur blog while searching for the song as well
thank u