Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Of Star Wars, Stockings and Starbucks

I was talking to Sean, my non boyfriend, and doof on msn, when Sean showed me a picture of him against the life size cutout of Vader that he has in his room. My conversations from there on went something like this:

Sean: So what do you think, am I still skinny?
Me: I WANT. Vader I mean.
Sean: Oh. Damn. I got all excited for a minute there.

Me: babe, as a belated birthday present can you buy me a giant poster of Darth Maul? I just saw Sean's Vader cut out and now I'm jealous.
MyNonBoyfriend(MNB): Vader is cooler.
Me: I can't believe you just said that.
MNB: I'm old school, what can I do.

Me: I'm sad cos nobody agrees with me that Maul is more badass looking than Vader
Doof: Maul is badass! Vader is a bit gh3y, unfortunately.

Me = yay with Doof, boo with the other two boys.

How can you honestly say that Vader is cooler than Maul? I mean, yes, I have to agree with you that the original trilogy was awesomely awesomer than the prequels, but come on! Maul was so bad ass!!!

I've always loved watching those movies. One of the few that I can watch over and over and over again. I've got hella fond memories of curling up on the couch and watching them with my dad. I always find it odd when people say they don't get the films, or that they find them boring, or that they haven't watched them and don't want to. It bemuses me because..

Okay, I'm done raving about Star Wars, only because I just started laughing uncontrollably. We recently discovered the joy of the handwrite tab, and I drew doof a heart... to which his response was "geez, you're actually worse than i am." I found that positively hilarious, because it's true. I'm really REALLY useless when it comes to art. Here's some pictures he drew me today:

That's supposed to be me. He apologised for making me look like a filament bulb.

Darth Maul

Darth Vader.

Since I was uploading pictures anyway, here's some of the pictures from the past weeks which I transferred from my phone. I have oodles more that I've been too lazy to bluetooth over.

From Doranne's party:

This is Robin. Who looks vividly different from what I remember him looking like, so maybe it's not Robin after all. If it's not, I apologise to both him and Robin. But if it is Robin, then this is the guy who let me use a $2000 camera to take a picture of him. The camera wasn't his. And he thought I was drunk. And it was the first time he was meeting me. Brave, or stupid? You decide.

Happy people (well, kinda happy people) and my stripes. Yay stripey stockings!!

Mark, who was extremely concerned about the excessively pointy nose of his mask.

Random pictures:

A tractor in school, while PeeWee and I were walking to the Guild House after she made me skip class again. YOU BAD INFLUENCE you. Tsk.

The old-school stamp I got when I went to Cheekyz with DouglasKumar on the 19th, after Mel's party. It made me very happy, and not just because I got to enter for free.

What my life has looked like lately. Schoolbooks, laptop, mp3 player, and lots and lots and lots of coffee. Sigh.