Saturday, September 30, 2006

lazy afternoon

Today started out on a pretty shitty note. Getting soaked in the rain, spilling coffee all over myself, topping up petrol for over $70, not being able to eat anything because of too much pain, my phone spazzing out temporarily, listening to people scream and throw hissy fits..

But then I took some painkillers, a long long nap, and a nice hot shower when I woke up, and I'm all good again. Time to run a couple of errands for the family and then I can get cracking on all that work that's still piled up.

In the mean time, my birthday's a long way away, but people are already asking me what I want. I think doofy's got dibs on the graphic novel in my wishlist, but you can never go wrong with getting me stupid-slogan tees. Or even ones with silly pictures on them. Like this, for instance, had me laughing like a maniac.

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