Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Of absent mindedness ,sexy cheesy pizza, and free drinks

Last night I completely forgot to get online for a project meeting. Whoopsies. What's weird is that they didn't even bother to sms me and ask me where I was. Seriously, this one girl I'm working with has a serious attitude problem going on. It's not my fault she couldn't work with her friends, what the hell is she bitching at me for? I do feel bad about ditching them without a word though, so today I'm going to try really hard to figure out how the hell this blasted Budget software works and come up with a task list.

Grumple foofs. I guess this means the pictures from last night won't be up till later. Sorry hana! I will put them up eventually though. Mickey's not gonna stop pestering me to send them to him anyway.

Sigh. And I was so looking forward to lazing around in my jammies all day.

EDIT: that actually didn't take as long as I thought it would. Mostly because I took a lot of short cuts, but anyway. Pictures!!

First, we were hungry:

and while waiting for food, slightly bored:

Then, we ate like piglets. My craving for pizza was finally satisfied. Yumyum 5 cheese! Later, we ended up at (surprise, surprise) Starbucks. Where Jeremy enlightened me to the fact that we're a rowdy bunch. There was a lot of randomness involved, as usual, including Jeremy trying to freak Hana out with his horniness:

I'm quite sure he meant to look lecherous, and not like he was mid-barf. Jeremy then tried to take a gay picture with Mickey, but he wasn't having any of it:

I apparently looked like Krusty the Klown:

And we agreed that we're all piglets, but adorable happy piglets, so yay us!

Also, Mickey's entire family hates me, and Jeremy gave me a voucher for a free drink at Starbucks (THANK YOU MUCHLY!!!)

And that was my night out with the dorks. Luffbunnies. Yay!

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