Saturday, September 30, 2006

lazy afternoon

Today started out on a pretty shitty note. Getting soaked in the rain, spilling coffee all over myself, topping up petrol for over $70, not being able to eat anything because of too much pain, my phone spazzing out temporarily, listening to people scream and throw hissy fits..

But then I took some painkillers, a long long nap, and a nice hot shower when I woke up, and I'm all good again. Time to run a couple of errands for the family and then I can get cracking on all that work that's still piled up.

In the mean time, my birthday's a long way away, but people are already asking me what I want. I think doofy's got dibs on the graphic novel in my wishlist, but you can never go wrong with getting me stupid-slogan tees. Or even ones with silly pictures on them. Like this, for instance, had me laughing like a maniac.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Of movies, molars, and Mamihlapinatapai.

There's a word for it! An unpronouncable word, maybe, but a word nonetheless.

In other news, I ended up spending today sprawled out in front of the tv watching Art Attack and cartoons and winding the couch-potato session up with the last half an hour of The Object Of My Affection, which just depressed me considerably. I get so upset by confrontation that I change the channel whenever that scene comes on during a movie. You know the one I'm talking about, where the girl starts to make catty comments about the boy's awful behaviour, which all leads to a big ass brouhaha and everyone's screaming at everyone else.

I was supposed to study, and I feel slightly guilty about not doing it, but I just can't concentrate. My tooth hurts way too much. I finally caved and popped some panadeine, but so far it's not helping much. It's annoying really, because people had been talking about toothaches a lot in the past two or three weeks, and I was gleefully telling them that I'd never really had bad toothaches, and bam, my wisdom tooth decides to sprout. I'm all for good coincidences, like reminiscing about an old friend and getting a call from them two days later or something, but I could do without the icky ones like these.

On another note, people keep asking me what my msn display picture is. It's a still from the movie Me Without You. I chanced upon it the same way I've discovered so many other great movies, via channel surfing on a lazy afternoon in. It's absolutely beautiful, and it's haunted me since I watched it well over a year ago. I'd love to sit down and watch it again sometime. If you have time, and are in the mood for one of those slightly odd, feel-good-in-a-depressing-way kind of movies, you should catch it.

What's one movie YOU could watch over and over again and not get sick of? Leave me a tag and let me know. In my case, it's the Mighty Ducks. I must have watched that a zillion times on tv, but everytime I see it showing, I still sit through the entire thing, and I really have no idea why.


I wanna enable comments, but my template doesn't seem to support them, and after spending 7 straight hours fiddling with JSP and XHTML yesterday, my brain refuses to engage in that game anymore. So if anyone wants to help me out with that (hint hint Varun hint hint) I'd be most grateful.

In the meantime, my tagboard is finally up.

Now to get back to my coffee and tissues (I love when my sinuses act up) and books. w00t for being nerdy.

(p.s. I also realised the timestamps are wonky. Add that to my list of things to fix.)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Random thoughts

The girls were talking about languages after yoga today. I think it started with me reciting "WOH nio!" repeatedly. That means snail, btw. And yes, I don't know hanyu pinyin.

Anyway. I mentioned that English is very odd. And that reminded me of something.

The fates seem intent on rearranging You and I to come together in ennui.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

the many ways in which the internet can corrupt your mind

After lunch today with doof at Parkway, I passed by Gramaphone on my way to the loo, and saw a sign that made me do a massive double take. On closer inspection, I realised that it actually read "RENTAL COLLECTION", and not, as I had previously thought, "HENTAI COLLECTION".

muy loco.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The adventures of the crazy shoutboxers.

I was printing out my notes for school today, and while waiting for that to get done, I logged onto my favourite chat-place of the moment (told you I'm still addicted) only to see Los, Stuart and Mindy engaged in some Spanish Soap Opera style plotline, that involved Enrique (Los) saving Esperenza (Mindy) from a burning Pueblo (which is town in Spanish, apparently) while the evil Ricardo (Stuart) tried to stop them. This eventually led to Los and Chan making hentai noises, while Los spooged forth his natural juices (speaking of which, doof loves his subway sandwiches with their natural juices. I'm still most amused).

After I finally figured out what was going on, Los christened me Lupinna Bonita Francesca De La Cruz. At the same time, Liam was trying to convince everyone that his ass hair is fluffy and downy and soft, and Arianna was telling us about her latest sexual escapade with her boyfriend who also happens to be her nephew. And then Los repeatedly died, like a beached whale, while his girlfriend Liz made smoochie faces at me.

And all this before coffee. What a way to start my day.

Lupinna Bonita Francesca De La Cruz. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Monday, September 25, 2006

a mini visual smorgasbord

I made my blog all pretty (thanks doof, for finding the template!) and I got excited and wanted to show it off, but there was nothing in it. So I took the opportunity to feel accomplished, and figure out how to hook up my sexy little phone and laptop via bluetooth. Yes Doofylumpkins, my laptop and phone just had virtual sex. Multiple times too.

Anyway, here's a bunch of random pictures, off my phone. I edited a bunch of xhtml AND figured out bluetoothing, all in one day. Now if I could just get a bunch of studying done, I'll be all set.

Before I headed off to school today, I braved the rain to pick up a coffee and muffin from Starbucks. Along the way, I saw this little guy. Don't crush snails, it makes achesy a sad little girl.

One of my best friends, outside the cabin we shared at Tioman earlier this year. That was my first proper vacation in years, and even though it only amounted to a day total of rest, it was a great time. It's a really beautiful island, and I was with some great company.

Half of the aforementioned muffin. Mmmm, cranberry...

We met this little guy on our first night in Tioman. He's an ugly little bugger, and really mean, but I fell head over heels in love with him. I wish I could have brought him back with me. Little gangster cat. =)

My parents had another one of their karaoke parties, and I helped my mom with the cocktail stick thingummies. I'm not sure what that vegetable I used as a base is called in English, but in Gujarati, it's a Dhudhi. Or something to that effect anyway. Pineapple and pickled onions on one half, and olives on the other. Yum!

I want to know why the cover is so happy, when it's got such a tragic title.

In one of the tutorial rooms in school. I couldn't stop giggling for the entire hour I was there.

Muggles the Beagle, and InshaWinshaWoos.

This store's in Tiong Bahru Plaza. Everytime I go there, I eat gelato and proceed to get extremely hyper and laugh like a maniac while attempting to say the storename out loud with a lisp.

And now, Muggsies and a sleepy camera shy me, say byebye, till next time.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Why I'm here... again.

I've loved my computer ever since I can remember. When I was still in kindergarten, I used to love my colouring/counting computer games with Donald Duck and Goofy and the rest of the gang. At age 10, I was sneaking behind my sister's back and logging onto, chatting with strangers, learning things I definately shouldn't have known about at that age. By age 12, I was well and truly addicted to IRC. Once my father got me my own PC, it all went downhill. I spent all my free time online. Not much of a suprise then, that I've been blogging since I was about 14. That was a long time before it became an "in" thing to do, long, long before you could get famous, or popular, or be cool for having a blog. My blog was just an extension of my escape from real life.

Earlier this year, I deleted about 5 years worth of blog entries. One click, and a huge portion of my life was well on it's way to being forgotten. I've always had a lousy memory and with nothing to re-read and jog my mind, it's a start at moving on from the past, instead of mulling over my mistakes.

It's a new phase of my life, and I'd like to document it to some degree. I've never been good with journals, and from past experience, my blogs tend to gravitate towards becoming a whiny-assed venting ground. So often though, in the past few months, I've had fleeting ideas, that ended with "I should take note of this, and mull over it more later". I never do though, and I've always hated how so many great things never come into fruitation because we're just such a distracted society, focused on our Lives, forgetting to take time out and just contemplate.

I'm not a philosopher, I don't make a living off of thinking. I'll freely admit that I'm just another person striving to achieve what is my concept of a successful life. At the same time, I don't believe that's all there is to my time here. I don't want to be 80 years old and realise that I've spent all my years just working and trying to make money.

Some people say I think too much, and most times I'm inclined to agree with them. When you don't have an outlet for your thoughts, if you're as much of an independent introvert as I am, it can damage your psyche considerably. So here I am, again, syphoning out some of my thoughts. Wish me luck.