Monday, September 25, 2006

a mini visual smorgasbord

I made my blog all pretty (thanks doof, for finding the template!) and I got excited and wanted to show it off, but there was nothing in it. So I took the opportunity to feel accomplished, and figure out how to hook up my sexy little phone and laptop via bluetooth. Yes Doofylumpkins, my laptop and phone just had virtual sex. Multiple times too.

Anyway, here's a bunch of random pictures, off my phone. I edited a bunch of xhtml AND figured out bluetoothing, all in one day. Now if I could just get a bunch of studying done, I'll be all set.

Before I headed off to school today, I braved the rain to pick up a coffee and muffin from Starbucks. Along the way, I saw this little guy. Don't crush snails, it makes achesy a sad little girl.

One of my best friends, outside the cabin we shared at Tioman earlier this year. That was my first proper vacation in years, and even though it only amounted to a day total of rest, it was a great time. It's a really beautiful island, and I was with some great company.

Half of the aforementioned muffin. Mmmm, cranberry...

We met this little guy on our first night in Tioman. He's an ugly little bugger, and really mean, but I fell head over heels in love with him. I wish I could have brought him back with me. Little gangster cat. =)

My parents had another one of their karaoke parties, and I helped my mom with the cocktail stick thingummies. I'm not sure what that vegetable I used as a base is called in English, but in Gujarati, it's a Dhudhi. Or something to that effect anyway. Pineapple and pickled onions on one half, and olives on the other. Yum!

I want to know why the cover is so happy, when it's got such a tragic title.

In one of the tutorial rooms in school. I couldn't stop giggling for the entire hour I was there.

Muggles the Beagle, and InshaWinshaWoos.

This store's in Tiong Bahru Plaza. Everytime I go there, I eat gelato and proceed to get extremely hyper and laugh like a maniac while attempting to say the storename out loud with a lisp.

And now, Muggsies and a sleepy camera shy me, say byebye, till next time.

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