Friday, September 29, 2006

Of movies, molars, and Mamihlapinatapai.

There's a word for it! An unpronouncable word, maybe, but a word nonetheless.

In other news, I ended up spending today sprawled out in front of the tv watching Art Attack and cartoons and winding the couch-potato session up with the last half an hour of The Object Of My Affection, which just depressed me considerably. I get so upset by confrontation that I change the channel whenever that scene comes on during a movie. You know the one I'm talking about, where the girl starts to make catty comments about the boy's awful behaviour, which all leads to a big ass brouhaha and everyone's screaming at everyone else.

I was supposed to study, and I feel slightly guilty about not doing it, but I just can't concentrate. My tooth hurts way too much. I finally caved and popped some panadeine, but so far it's not helping much. It's annoying really, because people had been talking about toothaches a lot in the past two or three weeks, and I was gleefully telling them that I'd never really had bad toothaches, and bam, my wisdom tooth decides to sprout. I'm all for good coincidences, like reminiscing about an old friend and getting a call from them two days later or something, but I could do without the icky ones like these.

On another note, people keep asking me what my msn display picture is. It's a still from the movie Me Without You. I chanced upon it the same way I've discovered so many other great movies, via channel surfing on a lazy afternoon in. It's absolutely beautiful, and it's haunted me since I watched it well over a year ago. I'd love to sit down and watch it again sometime. If you have time, and are in the mood for one of those slightly odd, feel-good-in-a-depressing-way kind of movies, you should catch it.

What's one movie YOU could watch over and over again and not get sick of? Leave me a tag and let me know. In my case, it's the Mighty Ducks. I must have watched that a zillion times on tv, but everytime I see it showing, I still sit through the entire thing, and I really have no idea why.

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