Sunday, September 24, 2006

Why I'm here... again.

I've loved my computer ever since I can remember. When I was still in kindergarten, I used to love my colouring/counting computer games with Donald Duck and Goofy and the rest of the gang. At age 10, I was sneaking behind my sister's back and logging onto, chatting with strangers, learning things I definately shouldn't have known about at that age. By age 12, I was well and truly addicted to IRC. Once my father got me my own PC, it all went downhill. I spent all my free time online. Not much of a suprise then, that I've been blogging since I was about 14. That was a long time before it became an "in" thing to do, long, long before you could get famous, or popular, or be cool for having a blog. My blog was just an extension of my escape from real life.

Earlier this year, I deleted about 5 years worth of blog entries. One click, and a huge portion of my life was well on it's way to being forgotten. I've always had a lousy memory and with nothing to re-read and jog my mind, it's a start at moving on from the past, instead of mulling over my mistakes.

It's a new phase of my life, and I'd like to document it to some degree. I've never been good with journals, and from past experience, my blogs tend to gravitate towards becoming a whiny-assed venting ground. So often though, in the past few months, I've had fleeting ideas, that ended with "I should take note of this, and mull over it more later". I never do though, and I've always hated how so many great things never come into fruitation because we're just such a distracted society, focused on our Lives, forgetting to take time out and just contemplate.

I'm not a philosopher, I don't make a living off of thinking. I'll freely admit that I'm just another person striving to achieve what is my concept of a successful life. At the same time, I don't believe that's all there is to my time here. I don't want to be 80 years old and realise that I've spent all my years just working and trying to make money.

Some people say I think too much, and most times I'm inclined to agree with them. When you don't have an outlet for your thoughts, if you're as much of an independent introvert as I am, it can damage your psyche considerably. So here I am, again, syphoning out some of my thoughts. Wish me luck.

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