Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The adventures of the crazy shoutboxers.

I was printing out my notes for school today, and while waiting for that to get done, I logged onto my favourite chat-place of the moment (told you I'm still addicted) only to see Los, Stuart and Mindy engaged in some Spanish Soap Opera style plotline, that involved Enrique (Los) saving Esperenza (Mindy) from a burning Pueblo (which is town in Spanish, apparently) while the evil Ricardo (Stuart) tried to stop them. This eventually led to Los and Chan making hentai noises, while Los spooged forth his natural juices (speaking of which, doof loves his subway sandwiches with their natural juices. I'm still most amused).

After I finally figured out what was going on, Los christened me Lupinna Bonita Francesca De La Cruz. At the same time, Liam was trying to convince everyone that his ass hair is fluffy and downy and soft, and Arianna was telling us about her latest sexual escapade with her boyfriend who also happens to be her nephew. And then Los repeatedly died, like a beached whale, while his girlfriend Liz made smoochie faces at me.

And all this before coffee. What a way to start my day.

Lupinna Bonita Francesca De La Cruz. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

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