Sunday, December 03, 2006

And another one bites the dust..

Another semester, that is. My exams ended this morning, and I celebrated by buying myself pretty pretty beautiful things, having a lot of coffee and bitching and giggling with my sister, and cleaning out/rearranging my room. I'm finally taking a break from organising my closet, only because my back is killing me, and I realised I may have been slightly over-ambitious in tackling it all tonight. If only I could figure out where to keep my shoes...

Another to-do list!

- nail the backing back onto my bookshelf
- fix my broken picture frame
- hang said fixed frame back up on the wall
- get a longer cord from daddy so I can plug in my stereo
- make the boy's present pretty
- finalise my guest list for the party, and hopefully get RSVPS
- make a shopping list for the party
- shop for the party
- get my eyes checked
- order new contact lenses
- sort out my bookshelf
- get a pedicure
- claim my massage
- return Varun his textbooks (thank you again!)
- spend lots and lots of money on myselfthen again, this is quite the ongoing process...
- revamp my blog
- take all my old magazines/notes/etc down to the nearest recycling bin.. on that note:
- find out where the nearest recycling bin is
- take a trip to IKEA and get a new frame, because mine's apparently unfixable
- take the bags downstairs, and hope they notice the bright green post it saying "RECYCLE" on it.

phew. And that's not even half-way complete. I'll probably be able to knock off half of it tomorrow though, so yay me!

For now, it's back to sorting through lots of clothes, and then a long long long well deserved hot shower.

Holidays, here I come!

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