Monday, December 11, 2006

bitchy slut ass cunt face!

Tomorrow I'm going to Bintan (with peewee pie, so you people can stop rolling in those applications, tyvm) (oh and HALLO WES who is apparently blog stalking me too.) and of COURSE, invariably, I woke up this morning sneezing like crazy and my head feeling all blocked in.

It's okay. Lots of sun and sea breeze should do me good. I hope.

Why the title, you wonder? That's what doof called twinky. And twinky's the one who's kept saying that I'm falling sick, since the day of my party. Foul mouthed bugger. Unfortunately he's all cuddly and happy-fying, so I can't even get mad at him really. Boooo.

I'm still happy though. So yay me.

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