Thursday, December 28, 2006

Another overdue post

Here's my long overdue post. I have a ton more pictures, but I'm too lazy to upload all of them.

In Bintan, I had a pina colada out of a pineapple. Yumyum!

Bintan Lagoon Resort

The sea sports centre. On our last morning there, we were headed back to the room to clean up before checking out, and the guy offered us a ride on the jetskis. We had to turn him down, which sucks, but there's always next time I suppose.

On our second day there, it got kind of foggy and rainy towards the evening. Didn't stop my sister and Ci from dancing around coconut trees though.

More foggyness
We're retarded, yes we are.

that's what the villas look like. They come with their own bbq pits and swimming pools, and use of a golf buggy cart thing. Porn Wee was most thrilled. I'm smelling something in the planning for her 21st....

speaking of Porn Wee... next time she tells you she has "no pantat" - here's proof otherwise.

Porn Wee enjoying the slide, which according to her is way better than the one at Tioman. I wouldn't know, since I didn't try the one at Tioman, but the slide up there definately was tons of fun.

Us and Melly. No really, the trainer told us that was her name.

Porn Wee as a big macho man.

and to make up for all the embarrassing pictures I put up of her, here's Porn Wee looking oh so pretty in front of the pink christmas tree at Cathay, from when we went to watch Music Inc play their debut performance.

earlier that night, Porn Wee, Swine and I had dinner at Carl's Jr. We got bored and started doodling. I am, apparently, a labia.

My gingerbread man. RIP in my tumtum, you yummyyummy thing you.

Also, Mickey got really drunk at his birthday celebration at St Jame's PowerHouse (it's most exciting the way they herd you in while screaming "GUEST LIST" - if you're on the guest list, that is. Thanks Vishal!) but I believe I'm not allowed to make fun of him, or tell anyone about his embarrassing moments, so all I have for you is a picture of him... Well, I don't really know what he's trying to do there. I was trying to take a picture of Vishal and Shiv doing an irish pub dance, or a picture of them and Shakti (yes, they're cousins named Shiv and Shakti. It cracked me up.) trying to find their car in the Vivo City carpark, but I kept taking my phone out too late. And then I took a picture of Mickey doing.... this. So enjoy.

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