Friday, December 15, 2006

Wedding Season

I have free entry for two to the opening party of The Clinic tomorrow night, but I probably won't get to go, because at 7, I'm going to be all dressed up in a sari, of all things, for a wedding.

Someone mentioned that December seems to be wedding season, because everyone seems to either be getting married, or preparing for someone's wedding, or attending someone's wedding, or something to that effect. Pretty appropriate then, I suppose, that I found out today that my exboyfriend's getting married.

She's gorgeous, her dress is beautiful, she obviously adores him, they look so sweet together, she was in the Air Force too so she's gonna be able to understand all the pressure he always seems to be under, and his family (amazing people, the lot of them) adore her... I'm really happy for him. I just wish he'd told me. He was the best thing that had happened to me in a long time, and long after it was over he was my best friend. All I have to say is Congratulations, boo. Not that you'll read this. Guess it's time I relinquish that title though.

I'm trying to find a way to say all this without coming across as angry, or sad, or bitter, because I'm honestly none of those things. I have nothing but best wishes for him, and his entire family. They're great people, and they deserve great things to happen to them. It's just a little mind boggling and difficult to digest.

In other news, pictures from my trip will be up when I get around to it. Don't hold your breath though, seeing as how I never did get around to making a lengthy post about my party. Right now, I'm just gonna go to bed and try not to scratch the insect bites that go alllll the way across the left side of my body. I'm not even exaggerating. It's so nasty.

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