Friday, December 29, 2006

notes from a busy day

  • The zoo, while still extremely beautiful, makes my feet hurt.
  • Donkeys are adorable.
  • As are otters, meerkats, lemurs, and all sorts of other animals.
  • I need to buy myself a good cam, so that I can put up pictures the day I take them, or close, instead of procrastinating to the point of saying fuck all and not sharing them at all.
  • Critters are NOT, unlike what Mickey will try to tell you, at all affiliated to fritters.
  • When I eat a Subway sandwich, I will crave orange soda and a chocolate chip cookie. No matter I just had a giant cookie less than an hour ago, or that I had a whole can of coke. The craving will be there.
  • I cannot resist the urge to putter around and fix things.
  • I simply do not share the love so many women have for shoes.
  • Nut and Jeevan are darlings, because they bought me the giantest bag of candy as a belated birthday present.
  • I got all 3 modules that I bid for, so far. Now I just need to decide between statistics, philo, or film art. On that note, anyone doing CS3215 (Software Engineering Project, 8MCs) drop me a note.
  • Lauren Graham is gorgeous.
  • Lauren Graham kissing Vin Diesel is surprisingly a pleasant thing to see.
  • The Pacifier was a dumb movie, but it made me smile.
=) And now, to bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lauren graham IS gorgeous!