Friday, December 01, 2006


On a similar note, I recently read this:

And in it, one of the main characters, Glade, has a boyfriend named Tom who a) Never writes notes, because people who commit suicide, leave notes, and he's not about to kill himself, and b) lives in America (Glade is English) and spends all the time that he's apart from her, thinking about her, or his image of her. He builds her up to be someone completely different, and everytime they meet, she seems to have let him down in some way, because she's not the same as he'd envisioned her.

There's also a man in it named Lambert, which made me laugh because that's what I call Ashley and no one else seems to remember the movie except maybe my sister, and another man named Barker, who's the kind of character I always love in a book. The dark man, with a dark past, but really he's kind of soft inside.

Also, Glade's father has a heart attack while dancing the Flamenco, because he heard from his wife (Glade's mother, who left him and ran away with a younger man) and she's in Spain. He doesn't die, in case you're wondering, but he reminded me of my Gramps, but a little more outgoing in his eccentricity.

Also also, Minimal cover functional dependencies make my head hurt. If you ever take CS2102/S, do yourself a favour, and don't leave that chapter till the night before your paper.

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