Monday, December 25, 2006

possibly my first drunken post

This year's Christmas was radically different from last year's. Whereas last year I was avoiding the punch (spiked with beer, oooo, the horror!) this year I was downing multiple glasses of wine - well known among close circles to be the only thing that gets me high, quick. By the way, yes, I'm aware that I type extremely well for someone who's on the verge of passing out.

I spent Christmas Eve at Timbre with a bunch of happy people, doing happy things. Bitching about lousy stuff, confessing a bunch of happy stuff, admitting what a shitty year it's been, and hoping for a good year ahead for all of us. Here's to a gorgeous New Year's. A hopefully pretentious-less, less-drama-filled, just plain happy year ahead. Cheery ho!

Let's see if my drunk ass can't manage some technology fumbling and manage to put up a couple of pictures:

yeah, okay, my drunk ass can't do it. Maybe tomorrow. Pictures of Ben, Kenny, Fiong, PeeWee, Doranne, Rehan and Yun. I didn't manage to snap Wes (hi wes! I was drunk, I know, but I remember saying hi!!!) but yeah. That was the bunch of us. I hope you guys had fun at Thompson!

Wee. Merry Christmas y'all. I just dropped my phone and I have a sneaky suspicion (I spelt that wrong, didn't I?) that my parents don't believe completely my act of sobrierty so I'm just gonna head on off to bed now. Yay me! Yay Christmas! Yay a good year ahead! Yay shopping tomorrow! Yay being broke! Yay yummy yummy booze and buzzing fucking high!!!

Edit: all I can say to that, is: Snort.

Here are the pictures:

Fiona, peewee, and an already extremely drunk me

Ben is almost as smelly as Wes. Boys are stinky. Pee-yew.

Porn Wee pretending to be all demure and sweet. Pfft.

Ben attempting to be a goldfish.

Ben and Kenny. I don't remember taking this picture, but I'm glad I did, cos it's cute.

Doranne and Yun, looking extremely bored.

Yun, Rehan, and Fiona. I'm not sure what's going on there, but then again, I wasn't sure what was going on for most of the night anyway, so hey!

Merry Christmas again, everyone.

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