Wednesday, December 20, 2006

heros and eggs

I haven't being doing anything, so there's nothing really to blog about. I sleep, wake up, watch the rain, play xbox, sleep, eat, watch tv... Bliss.

Do related things have a tendency of happening to you all at once? Because they do to me. This time, it's all about heroes. First there was the music: You'll never know that you're my heeeeeeeeee-ro... and that other song where some guy is singing about how he doesn't want to be this girl's hero, because he doesn't want to die.

And then I read an article over at wwtdd (if you hunt enough in the archives, you'll find it, just look under Lindsay Lohen, I'm much too lazy to do it myself and link you guys) about how Lindsay Lohen is a hero, because, here's where you can start taking notes ladies, she lost a bunch of weight so she's now this skinny little thing with badangdangs that she's keen on exposing to the world. ...What? It amused me. Boys who aren't more worried about their appearance than I am, or who aren't pretending to be in touch with their sensitive sides just to hook a girl, or who aren't utter pansies - it's a refreshing change these days. Or maybe I'm just a male chauvinist pig in disguise.

Anyway. Last night my sister attempted to be my hero. I was craving a hard boiled egg at close to 10pm (that's what happens when you watch Jamie Oliver too late at night) but was way too lazy to get around to making one. My sister and I haven't cooked together in ages, so she got all excited about it, so I finally agreed to make the damn egg. Boil water in a kettle, transfer to pot with egg, plop onto stove, wait a couple minutes, peel, tada! Easy, right?

Wrong. You severely underestimate the amount of chaos that goes on in this house. So we've got the first egg on the stove, and my sister asks me, "Are you sure you only want 1 egg? Because if you want two, we're going to have to do this all over again." I figured, what the hell, so I got another egg, handed it to her, and she slid it into the pot. NOT GENTLY ENOUGH because the damn thing cracked. I was all for fishing it out right away, but she figured if it was such a little crack, it would just cook anyway in the boiling water. Right?

Wrong again! First the damn thing started boiling over, because obviously the egg that's only half-full, because most of the white is busy pretending it's a designer candle, cooked faster than the uncracked egg. So I fished the broken egg out, and most of the fleeing white as well, and left the other egg to boil a little while longer. Except that I took too damn long to clean up all that vagrant egg white, so the pot boiled over AGAIN, and this time I didn't manage to turn the flame off quick enough, so I had egg-white infused water all over the stove.

Eventually, I cleaned everything up, and I had a damn good hardboiled egg while watching Room Raiders Opposites Attract, and a not-so-good parboiled egg while watching Room Raiders 3 of a Kind.

And my sister decided she never wants to visit Arizona because the people there are all weird. If my sister calls you weird.... be very afraid.

Time to go book a massage, confirm coffee/movie dates, traipse down to Kinokuniya to use my vouchers (THANKS MUFFIN!), all sorts of happy things going on these hols =)

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