Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Of absent mindedness ,sexy cheesy pizza, and free drinks

Last night I completely forgot to get online for a project meeting. Whoopsies. What's weird is that they didn't even bother to sms me and ask me where I was. Seriously, this one girl I'm working with has a serious attitude problem going on. It's not my fault she couldn't work with her friends, what the hell is she bitching at me for? I do feel bad about ditching them without a word though, so today I'm going to try really hard to figure out how the hell this blasted Budget software works and come up with a task list.

Grumple foofs. I guess this means the pictures from last night won't be up till later. Sorry hana! I will put them up eventually though. Mickey's not gonna stop pestering me to send them to him anyway.

Sigh. And I was so looking forward to lazing around in my jammies all day.

EDIT: that actually didn't take as long as I thought it would. Mostly because I took a lot of short cuts, but anyway. Pictures!!

First, we were hungry:

and while waiting for food, slightly bored:

Then, we ate like piglets. My craving for pizza was finally satisfied. Yumyum 5 cheese! Later, we ended up at (surprise, surprise) Starbucks. Where Jeremy enlightened me to the fact that we're a rowdy bunch. There was a lot of randomness involved, as usual, including Jeremy trying to freak Hana out with his horniness:

I'm quite sure he meant to look lecherous, and not like he was mid-barf. Jeremy then tried to take a gay picture with Mickey, but he wasn't having any of it:

I apparently looked like Krusty the Klown:

And we agreed that we're all piglets, but adorable happy piglets, so yay us!

Also, Mickey's entire family hates me, and Jeremy gave me a voucher for a free drink at Starbucks (THANK YOU MUCHLY!!!)

And that was my night out with the dorks. Luffbunnies. Yay!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Weekend Recap

After school on Friday, I was craving a coffee like mad, and ended up at Jeremy's store. We went for dinner at Werner's after that, so Hana, don't worry, dinner at Sarpino's is still on sometime soon.

Friday was also when the girls decided that we're probably going to Australia during our long hols. I'm all the more set on it because I just found out that Alicia most probably won't be coming back in February. Boooooo!! I miss my babblemouth dammit.

Saturday I went to the doctor's in the morning, then my mom and I did a quick round of Heeren before heading home... and we managed to spend a whooping $150. In less than an hour. I got myself a spiffy new sweater, new undies, and random little things. Then I lazed around all day, and in the evening, I headed down to the Stadium for the match. Which was brilliant. Traffic was a killer all the way there, and back, but holy moley. The stadium was brimming with the most amazing vibe. As Mel, our resident alcoholic put it, "Who needs booze when you have this?"

So here's Mel, Kat, and an extremely tired me. I think that was during half time.

We were sitting right next to the scoreboard. The penalties took place on our side of the stadium, so we had a really great view of that.

Singapore in blue, Malaysia in yellow, just before the penalties.

We won, by the way. Malaysia missed the very last penalty kick. I always feel really bad for the guy who messes up like that. Honestly though, the atmosphere was amazing. They even did the whole ole, ole ole ole thing while walking out of the stadium.

I was telling Farah earlier tonight that I probably spent more time watching the people in the crowd than the actual match itself. It's great how friendly people get in the stands. I don't think any of us will soon forget the nice chap in front of us who pissed his girlfriend off when he obliged Ashley's request to translate the word butoh (It means cock, by the way. And not, as he'd like to have you believe, the rooster variety.) or the hilarious fat guy behind us, who said things like "I told you all to wear blue, then you all wear red, see what happens?!?!" (after Malaysia scored the first goal) or "I give you this red card, you go and give the referee!!" (when the ref made a bad call, showing us a rectangular piece he'd torn off the red posters that were all around)

I did say traffic was killer, right? Because it took us almost an hour just to get out of the car park.

Wesley eventually got fed up and just turned off his engine.

Mel was freezing, and tried hugging the Singapore flag they'd brought along with them, for warmth. I don't think it helped much, though.

I must have been really tired, because I just slept all day on Sunday. Watched some Ugly Betty (up to episode 6, the 5th is still my favourite so far) and Heroes (up to episode 4, oh cliff hangers, how I loathe thee!), and puzzled over my to do list. I'm a bit bemused by it. I've got much fewer items on my list, yet I seem to have so much more to do. Weird that.

I'm also puzzling over how I'm going to survive being extremely poor pretty soon. Kat's birthday this Wednesday (yay, the first 21st among the girlies!) which also means we're missing the match, buuuut it's a small price to pay. Mel's birthday in three weeks, and a couple of weeks after that is Peewee's, and Jeremy's.... I need money, and how.

And just a bit of randomness, here's a picture I stole from Hana's phone, taken ages ago at the Simei Starbucks.
No wonder people can recognise me just from my hair all the time. I never realised it looked like that. (EDIT: I was reading this back to myself, and it reminded me about the girl with desperate need of some hair treatment. Ladies, please invest in conditioner. It's really not that difficult to do. Unless you want people like Fiona bitching behind your back, literally.)

Now to go bug Mickey online, and try to figure out some C# before my project meeting tomorrow. To think I'm the sub group leader, and I haven't done jack. Eeps.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Is it just me, or do the best things seem to happen when you're feeling at your lowest? Maybe it's just that you're feeling so blue, that when something happy happens, you appreciate it a zillion times better.

Case in point, if you scroll down one entry, you'll see I started the day in a right funk. I got into the car, and dug up an old cd of my sister's. Comfort music from the 80's and 90's, coupled with a Vanilla latte from 'bucks, and the drive to school saw me already perking up muchly.

A lecture I actually kind of enjoyed later, I was picking up Nut, Fiong, PeesWees and Ben for lunch. I got some pretty good mee goreng, which I'd actually been craving for a bit, then Ben went off to fantasize about unicorn sex, and the rest of us wandered around a bit before we went back to school. I went to class, Peewee and Fiong went off to "study" before yoga, and Nut went to meet her koochiewoochie snuggyboobear. Please don't kill me when you read this, I love you. And I'm so glad you finally got your jeans!

So I had good food, good company, and good music... and I got to come home to presents!

My sister bought me the ones on the left, to replace the ones on the right, because I lost the other side of that pair when I was at Mickey's birthday party at St James'.

That's the state my old mp3 player was in. I've had it for about 4 years now. It deserves a rest, the poor battered, abused, thing.

My father's not big on smses, except when it's to send people dirty jokes, so I was extra duperly glad to receive a text from him, especially when it said:

"Just bought a MP3/4 player for my dear Eku."

Have I ever mentioned what a dear my father is? He's a big old bear =)

My new Creative Zen V Plus. 4GB worth of tinkery goodness.

So there you go. Proof that you really shouldn't let the negativity bring you down. And just cos I can, here's a picture of the ECP being extremely jammed, except that you can't tell because my phone didn't pick it up too well, and traffic kept moving everytime I finally got the camera ready.

Grumpyness, part II

Cramps for three days straight = teeth grinding in sleep = massive headache = achesy NEEDING her dose of 'bucks = no more money = no new clothes = UGH.

I also realised that I completely forgot about one of my assignments, which gets me thinking that maybe, just maybe, I won't be done with all my work before Saturday. Which means I'm not going to have as much fun at the match.

I'm a cranky little girl this morning. That coffee better be big and bold.

BUT, I hate to be a whiny bitch, and I'm trying really hard this year not to let all the negativity pull me down with it, so here's a happy note: Ugly Betty really does make me happy. I couldn't say why exactly it's so good, because for the most part it's just like any other sitcom, with a pinch of that Desperate Housewives melodrama behind the scenes sort of mystery thing going on. But it's done well, and it makes me laugh, and that's all that matters to me anyway. Also, the halloween episode left me feeling warm and fuzzy in my tummy.

I've also started watching Heroes, something I wanted to watch anyway, because Milo Ventimiglia is in it, and I quite liked him in Gilmore Girls, so when Mickey told Jeremy and I that we should watch it, I did. And I like it. I've only watched the first episode so far, but it's good. I like it.

So yay. Some couch potato goodness to cheer me up. Hopefully.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Of Freaks, Fun, and (harmless) Flirtation

I'm one of those people who find it difficult to study at home, because there's the constant distractive pull of the tv, the phone, the bed, the computer.... So I go to school early some days, just to get caught up with readings and tutorials and stuff. On Monday, I found myself some prime real estate. One of the benches between LT12 and LT13 was empty. Yay me! Shade + wind + close proximity to coffee + people watching = a happy achesy.

Some of the things I saw though, rather bemused me. For instance - did I miss the explosion in the fashion industry which dictated 'Thou Shalt Don Attire Which From Afar Doth Look As Though It Be Part Of Thy School Uniform'? Because I saw at least 3 girls dressed like that. Each time I wondered why these Secondary School students were wandering around NUS with the undergrads, and each time I realised they were actually wearing stuff that must have cost them quite a bit. Why?? Why would you pay money to look like you're reusing something that cost you $20?!

Then there was the girl wearing slippers - I have nothing against slippers. If my mother didn't nag at me, I would live in my flip-flops. But this girl must have anticipated her LT being really cold, because she was wearing her slippers with toe socks. And a mini skirt. Wtf?

Oh and how about this girl?

Apparently so intent on doing her work, that she didn't realise just how obscene she looked? Gross gross gross gross gross. I'll admit, I'm not miss perfect-posture myself, but that is just nasty.

Or the girl who had lovely lovely hair........ and kept brushing it every 20 minutes. No, I kid you not. She had a hairbrush in her bag. Not a comb, not a little brush, no, a full fledged hairbrush. The kind mothers spank their kids with. Not that my mother ever spanked me, but that's because I was such a well behaved kid and never needed to be spanked. But badly behaved children is a whole different topic all together, one that we won't touch upon today.

Yesterday was a long day for me. And to make it worse, I had cramps all day. Once you go codeine, there's no turning back to regular old paracetamol. So much for carrying Panadol around with me. But, even if I did almost die during the day, I still had a really good time, because:

a) I have a beeeyooteefull dress which makes me very happy;

b) Mickey "I refuse to shave and insist on looking like a hooligan" Twinkyroo was in school today, so I had someone to abuse. I also finally met his brother, who looks nothing like him, so I'm most displeased with Jeevan "diligitally" Singh for lying to me.

c) Mickey said he missed Jeremy "I'm going to name my daughter Farah and make sure she's a slut" Heng, so we met him for coffee. And I got to watch him attempt to be avant garde. Also, I have a video of him clearly enunciating the word "cock" repeatedly. I'm willing to share, if the price is right.

d) Before I met Hana "I am a Banana" Wana, who I unfortunately forgot to take a picture of because I was too light headed from what happened just before she got there, I had lunch with a sexy man who told me my hair is beautiful. Yay me! And no, Mickey, I do not flirt with everyone. That barista at Starbucks flirted with me.

And that was my egotistical superior beliefs post for the day. Time for me to go snuggle my hot water bottle, wait for the codeine to kick in, and then get down to work. Sorry for not meeting you guys, Jeremy and Hana, but the pain is horrid this month. Love you muchly.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

One for the ladies

The things you can find online these days never cease to amaze me. An exercise ball with a twist, anyone?

Of boobs.

Something not too many people know about me: I'm an extremely light sleeper. My mother's convinced it's got something to do with how I was an extremely deep sleeper as a kid, and that something traumatic must have happened to make me snap out of it. Now, unless I'm extremely tired, or extremely comfortable (like I was last night.... oh the joys of blissful slumber!) It's not uncommon for me to wake up several times during the night.

For the past week, my sister's been sleeping in my room, and I'm not used to having someone else in my bed, so I didn't get much sleep. At least, I'm blaming my complete zombic state on Thursday on my light-sleepiness. I somehow convinced myself it was Tuesday, and that my classes started at 2, when actually they started at 12. So I rushed all the way down to school, only to realise that I didn't need to be there for my 12 o'clock class. I would've snuck out during the break, but my project group leader decided to sit right next to me, and I thought it would be kind of rude to just leave, so I stayed.

By the end of those two hours, I was ready to fall asleep on the floor of the LT, so I decided to skip my evening lecture and go shopping instead. I'm going to force myself to sit through the webcast though. I don't particularly want to fall behind in just the second week of school.

Something I realised during my marathon window shopping session (I was out for at least 5 hours, and I didn't buy a single thing. I did manage to be $50 poorer from repaying outstanding debts, but that's a whole 'nother story all together) is that Singapore just does not cater to big boobied women. I mean, honestly. All these absolutely gorgeous clothes, sales everywhere, I should've been in bliss. But noooo.

And just to prove it, here are some pictures:

Sure, it looks like it fits. But my babies really can't breathe in that thing, pretty as it looks. I'm not the firmest believer in that whole No pain, No gain ideology.

I felt gorgeous in that top.... till I realised how smutty my cleavage made me look. Plus, you can see my bra. And when you're more well endowed, you can't exactly buy into the whole liberation-burn-your-bras-let-them-hang-free deal, unless you want them to hang free down between your damn knees.

I dare you to tell me they don't look squished. I just dare you.

I adore this dress. I really really do. And if the damn thing would've zipped up over my boobs, I would've bought it in a heartbeat. But noooooo.

At least I know that if I ever decide to become a cat burgler, I can find clothes that suit that profession.

The one top I found which fit, didn't suffocate, and didn't make me look smutty. Unfortunately, I'm also a complete spendthrift, and find the idea of spending $50 on a pullover that I'm only going to be able to wear for another couple of weeks before having to retire it till the next monsoon season completely ludicrous.

So there you have it ladies and gentlemen. Next time you hear a woman complaining about being too flat, give her some padding, and tell her where to shove it.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Of Parties, Soy Milk, and Kisses, among other stuff.

I've been a busy girl. Let's recap, shall we?

Last Thursday it rained like MAD. And I absolutely loved it. I still can't think of anything more beautiful than the rain.

I took a cab down to Bugis, and went for yoga with the girls, and it felt damned good. One of the things I'm thankful for in life is that I have people and things I can rely on to calm me down when my brain feels like it's going to implode.

Friday was spent first in school, catching up on reading.

My book says, and I quote: Do give your reader a KISS (Keep It Short and Simple). Something my Secondary 2&3 Geography teacher wishes Farah would do. Grin.

Then I met up with Kurtypants to watch Pan's Labyrinth (which was good, but unfortunately I'd overhyped it in my head. I still liked it though) After translating the credits (which were in Spanish) we just hung out at Starbucks and gossiped, mocked each other, and debated about who exactly Pan was. By the way, I found out why she didn't wear panties, Kurt! Ask me and I'll tell you.

On Saturday, I picked PeeWee up, and we went to Marina Square to meet Mel and Wes. We were early, so I tried on a bunch of pretty things, but didn't buy anything. After Melsley got lost a couple of times, and PeeWee as usual paid for the birthday present, we made our way to Carl's Jr. where Wesley decided he was:

but none of us agreed with him.

Armed with food, we made our way to the National Stadium to watch the Singapore vs Vietnam match. It was a first time for most of us watching a professional match live, and I had fun. It blows that the score was tied at nil, but still fun. It's almost more fun to watch the crowd and eavesdrop than it is to watch the match. Like the fat chap sitting a couple of rows behind us during the first half who gave a running commentary in Malay which cracked me up so bad. He kept yelling "PUKI MA" at the Singaporean players every time they slipped up. Fun stuff.

Singapore was in blue, and Vietnam's in white.

Wesley kept yelling at us to watch the match, and stop gossiping/taking pictures/eating. As you can probably guess, we didn't listen.

It was drizzling, and Fiona was worried about all the effort she spent straightening her hair going to waste. She told me not to put this on my blog, but Mel told me to do it, and since Mel's got something to offer me which Fiona doesn't (pictures & music).... you get to see Fiona looking mildly spasticated.

Always brimming with sweetness, peewee pie.

What you can't tell from these pictures is that all of us except Kristy and her dad were wearing red. Because Kristy told us to. And then she realised that all her clothes were in her hostel room, so she turned in white. Tee-pee-kull.

After that it was off to Clarke Quay for all of us (except Kristy's dad, who I actually saw not being serious when he put on Fiona's vietnamese cap... backwards... during the match.) to celebrate Daphne's birthday at Marakesh. Good food, good drinks (at least, I heard they were good, I didn't get to drink any myself) and good company. Timothy and Farah joined us there, and we saw a bunch of people from secondary school, past parties, etc. It was kind of funny how Tim seemed to know everyone there. He kept bumping into ex-school mates of his. At midnight, we all toasted him, because his 21st birthday was on Sunday.

Wes and Tim embracing. I don't know why they look like the living dead, but it amuses me.

We left at close to one, after getting away from Daphne's drunken attempts to pull people up to dance with her. She's a strong one, that girl. She pulled Wes so hard across the table that she almost toppled all the wine glasses. We parted ways, and I almost killed peewee by mounting a kerb that I didn't see, and sending the car flying. It nearly overturned, but we made it out alive. Even my car was completely fine. The only one who got scarred was me, when I banged my knee against the steering wheel while getting out to check the damage.

Sunday was Tim's 21st, at Changi Cottage, Aloha Changi. It's a really pretty chalet. I didn't get around to taking pictures of it, because we were pretty busy. First with the food, then with cards and taboo, and watching the band, and eating cake.....

Taboo was as usual fricken hilarious. In an attempt to make Farah and Mel guess the word "homepage", I said "Computers..." and they both blurted out without hesitation: MISTAKE. Bimbos. Speaking of which... Farah got a card, to which she gave us the clue "Mel and I are...." - you got it. Bimbos.

Music Ink (Inc?) playing. Or half of them anyway. Shaiful (Shyful?) and Ahmad, the keyboardist and guitarist, weren't there. That's Tim singing Jason Mraz's Life is Wonderful.

Tim making his speech. The dining room wasn't very large, so he made people crowd around the window and look in. If you look closely, you'll notice the cake is beautiful. It's got stars and everything. It looked a bit like a 5 year old's cake, but it was pretty, and yummy. Mango, because he doesn't like chocolate (yeah, I know. Freak.)

Kristy at a door leading out to the lawn. A lot of cars had to park on the grass because there just wasn't enough space. She was worried that her car would sink into the mud. (It didn't, as far as I know)

Peewee was upset that I took pictures of everyone else, but not of her, so I did.

Doranne, Mel, Farah, Wesley and Kristy fighting over the sushi. Before that they were fighting over the stingray. I don't blame them though, the food was yum!

Before I knew it, it was Monday. Back to school, back to crap. Here's nut stressing out over her Student Exchange Programme details, and peewee promoting NutriSoy. Healthfreak.

Now it's Tuesday, I've been done with class for the past two hours, I'm still full up from lunch at NYDC with nut (nanny nanny boo boo Jeevan, that's what you get for sleeping in) and I still have half an hour to kill before my project meeting.

Wish me luck with the PRCs.

fingers crossed,
achesy, who misses someone who has to draw a family tree for class. Snort.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The lights reflected off the wet concrete

I was going to make a post about the relevance of computing, and some other random things from my day, but my head is completely not in it.

Maybe tomorrow.

I am glad to see my gramma and uncle, though. And yoga felt good.

Is there anything more beautiful than the rain?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Of School, Skankyness, and Slobber

It's my day off today. I've only had two classes so far, but I already had a whole pile of reading ahead of me when I got up this morning.

My colour coded to-do list made up entirely of post its. It being the start of the year and all, I'm still verging on being extremely well organised.

I spent all afternoon reading about appropriate Business Correspondence Etiquette.

You'll never truly appreciate, until you try it youself, how difficult it is to study when you've got hours and hours of muscled tattooed sweaty grimy men just begging to be watched. Mel told me she's already got season 2 of Prison Break. mmmmmm... slobbery goodness.

A question to all of you: Just how skanky am I, really? Well I mean, I know how skanky I am, but I want to know just how much of my skankyness you're aware of. Lately, the slutty remarks seem to be resurfacing, and it got me wondering why there was that long lull for the past few months. I don't remember being exceptionally well behaved and demure. If anything, I feel like less of a slut now. I wear little skirts and I have big boobs and I see no point in not speaking about sex just because I'm in public, because it's not like everybody else doesn't know what it is. But I don't seduce men (contrary to what Hana and Mickey and Jeremy believe) and I don't sleep with other peoples boyfriends, or cheat on my own (not anymore, at least. Not having a boyfriend might have something to do with that though.) It's just odd, really, and since I'm such a fan of alliteration, and I had School and Slobber up there, I thought I'd throw in skankyness and save sex for another day. Because I know my girlfriends would love me twenty times more fervently if I wrote an entire entry on the joys/dangers/less explored aspects of sex.
My God, why haven't I thought of that before?! I could be just like Sh.... nevermind. Name no names, achesy, and you won't have people coming after you with pitchforks in the middle of the night.

Also, Roanna got here today, and she looks like a jolly happy lady. Let's hope my grandma doesn't do anything to change that countenance when she gets here tomorrow.

And just since I didn't get around to it on the day itself, here's a picture of Farah not folding paper planes, while Timmy and Swine watch the ones we'd already folded fly out of my bedroom window.