Friday, January 05, 2007

Of Pictionary, Plato and Paper Planes

Today Farah, Tim, Swine and PeeWee came over, supposedly to play tennis, but we ended up just bumming around in my room all afternoon. We played Don't Panic (which is fast becoming an extremely popular game among all my friends) and HeadBandz (during which I became Plato, which is kind of coincidental, seeing how I'm going to be reading his works for school come Monday, but hey, I'm actually kind of looking forward to that part of it) and Pictionary (whereby I learnt that Tim is actually pretty damn nifty with a pencil, because, hey, how many people do YOU know who can draw a kangaroo, and have it actually come out looking like, a kangaroo?!) And then we made paper planes, and stalked people on the interwebz.

And now I'm all showered and clean and in my comfy pink jammies and I'm about to settle down on the couch and watch Prison Break. While trying to pretend my attempts at Internet Whoredom didn't backfire and end up with my non-boyfriend's mother thinking I'm a loosey floozy. I still don't get why people think Wentworth Miller is all that swoonworthy, but I'm definately willing to watch him for hours on end and see if I don't change my mind.

Pictures from New Year's Eve at Ian's and ice skating at Jurong to come once PeeWee figures out how to transfer them from her camera. Oh digital camera of my own, how I yearn for thee.

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