Sunday, January 28, 2007

Weekend Recap

After school on Friday, I was craving a coffee like mad, and ended up at Jeremy's store. We went for dinner at Werner's after that, so Hana, don't worry, dinner at Sarpino's is still on sometime soon.

Friday was also when the girls decided that we're probably going to Australia during our long hols. I'm all the more set on it because I just found out that Alicia most probably won't be coming back in February. Boooooo!! I miss my babblemouth dammit.

Saturday I went to the doctor's in the morning, then my mom and I did a quick round of Heeren before heading home... and we managed to spend a whooping $150. In less than an hour. I got myself a spiffy new sweater, new undies, and random little things. Then I lazed around all day, and in the evening, I headed down to the Stadium for the match. Which was brilliant. Traffic was a killer all the way there, and back, but holy moley. The stadium was brimming with the most amazing vibe. As Mel, our resident alcoholic put it, "Who needs booze when you have this?"

So here's Mel, Kat, and an extremely tired me. I think that was during half time.

We were sitting right next to the scoreboard. The penalties took place on our side of the stadium, so we had a really great view of that.

Singapore in blue, Malaysia in yellow, just before the penalties.

We won, by the way. Malaysia missed the very last penalty kick. I always feel really bad for the guy who messes up like that. Honestly though, the atmosphere was amazing. They even did the whole ole, ole ole ole thing while walking out of the stadium.

I was telling Farah earlier tonight that I probably spent more time watching the people in the crowd than the actual match itself. It's great how friendly people get in the stands. I don't think any of us will soon forget the nice chap in front of us who pissed his girlfriend off when he obliged Ashley's request to translate the word butoh (It means cock, by the way. And not, as he'd like to have you believe, the rooster variety.) or the hilarious fat guy behind us, who said things like "I told you all to wear blue, then you all wear red, see what happens?!?!" (after Malaysia scored the first goal) or "I give you this red card, you go and give the referee!!" (when the ref made a bad call, showing us a rectangular piece he'd torn off the red posters that were all around)

I did say traffic was killer, right? Because it took us almost an hour just to get out of the car park.

Wesley eventually got fed up and just turned off his engine.

Mel was freezing, and tried hugging the Singapore flag they'd brought along with them, for warmth. I don't think it helped much, though.

I must have been really tired, because I just slept all day on Sunday. Watched some Ugly Betty (up to episode 6, the 5th is still my favourite so far) and Heroes (up to episode 4, oh cliff hangers, how I loathe thee!), and puzzled over my to do list. I'm a bit bemused by it. I've got much fewer items on my list, yet I seem to have so much more to do. Weird that.

I'm also puzzling over how I'm going to survive being extremely poor pretty soon. Kat's birthday this Wednesday (yay, the first 21st among the girlies!) which also means we're missing the match, buuuut it's a small price to pay. Mel's birthday in three weeks, and a couple of weeks after that is Peewee's, and Jeremy's.... I need money, and how.

And just a bit of randomness, here's a picture I stole from Hana's phone, taken ages ago at the Simei Starbucks.
No wonder people can recognise me just from my hair all the time. I never realised it looked like that. (EDIT: I was reading this back to myself, and it reminded me about the girl with desperate need of some hair treatment. Ladies, please invest in conditioner. It's really not that difficult to do. Unless you want people like Fiona bitching behind your back, literally.)

Now to go bug Mickey online, and try to figure out some C# before my project meeting tomorrow. To think I'm the sub group leader, and I haven't done jack. Eeps.

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