Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Of Parties, Soy Milk, and Kisses, among other stuff.

I've been a busy girl. Let's recap, shall we?

Last Thursday it rained like MAD. And I absolutely loved it. I still can't think of anything more beautiful than the rain.

I took a cab down to Bugis, and went for yoga with the girls, and it felt damned good. One of the things I'm thankful for in life is that I have people and things I can rely on to calm me down when my brain feels like it's going to implode.

Friday was spent first in school, catching up on reading.

My book says, and I quote: Do give your reader a KISS (Keep It Short and Simple). Something my Secondary 2&3 Geography teacher wishes Farah would do. Grin.

Then I met up with Kurtypants to watch Pan's Labyrinth (which was good, but unfortunately I'd overhyped it in my head. I still liked it though) After translating the credits (which were in Spanish) we just hung out at Starbucks and gossiped, mocked each other, and debated about who exactly Pan was. By the way, I found out why she didn't wear panties, Kurt! Ask me and I'll tell you.

On Saturday, I picked PeeWee up, and we went to Marina Square to meet Mel and Wes. We were early, so I tried on a bunch of pretty things, but didn't buy anything. After Melsley got lost a couple of times, and PeeWee as usual paid for the birthday present, we made our way to Carl's Jr. where Wesley decided he was:

but none of us agreed with him.

Armed with food, we made our way to the National Stadium to watch the Singapore vs Vietnam match. It was a first time for most of us watching a professional match live, and I had fun. It blows that the score was tied at nil, but still fun. It's almost more fun to watch the crowd and eavesdrop than it is to watch the match. Like the fat chap sitting a couple of rows behind us during the first half who gave a running commentary in Malay which cracked me up so bad. He kept yelling "PUKI MA" at the Singaporean players every time they slipped up. Fun stuff.

Singapore was in blue, and Vietnam's in white.

Wesley kept yelling at us to watch the match, and stop gossiping/taking pictures/eating. As you can probably guess, we didn't listen.

It was drizzling, and Fiona was worried about all the effort she spent straightening her hair going to waste. She told me not to put this on my blog, but Mel told me to do it, and since Mel's got something to offer me which Fiona doesn't (pictures & music).... you get to see Fiona looking mildly spasticated.

Always brimming with sweetness, peewee pie.

What you can't tell from these pictures is that all of us except Kristy and her dad were wearing red. Because Kristy told us to. And then she realised that all her clothes were in her hostel room, so she turned in white. Tee-pee-kull.

After that it was off to Clarke Quay for all of us (except Kristy's dad, who I actually saw not being serious when he put on Fiona's vietnamese cap... backwards... during the match.) to celebrate Daphne's birthday at Marakesh. Good food, good drinks (at least, I heard they were good, I didn't get to drink any myself) and good company. Timothy and Farah joined us there, and we saw a bunch of people from secondary school, past parties, etc. It was kind of funny how Tim seemed to know everyone there. He kept bumping into ex-school mates of his. At midnight, we all toasted him, because his 21st birthday was on Sunday.

Wes and Tim embracing. I don't know why they look like the living dead, but it amuses me.

We left at close to one, after getting away from Daphne's drunken attempts to pull people up to dance with her. She's a strong one, that girl. She pulled Wes so hard across the table that she almost toppled all the wine glasses. We parted ways, and I almost killed peewee by mounting a kerb that I didn't see, and sending the car flying. It nearly overturned, but we made it out alive. Even my car was completely fine. The only one who got scarred was me, when I banged my knee against the steering wheel while getting out to check the damage.

Sunday was Tim's 21st, at Changi Cottage, Aloha Changi. It's a really pretty chalet. I didn't get around to taking pictures of it, because we were pretty busy. First with the food, then with cards and taboo, and watching the band, and eating cake.....

Taboo was as usual fricken hilarious. In an attempt to make Farah and Mel guess the word "homepage", I said "Computers..." and they both blurted out without hesitation: MISTAKE. Bimbos. Speaking of which... Farah got a card, to which she gave us the clue "Mel and I are...." - you got it. Bimbos.

Music Ink (Inc?) playing. Or half of them anyway. Shaiful (Shyful?) and Ahmad, the keyboardist and guitarist, weren't there. That's Tim singing Jason Mraz's Life is Wonderful.

Tim making his speech. The dining room wasn't very large, so he made people crowd around the window and look in. If you look closely, you'll notice the cake is beautiful. It's got stars and everything. It looked a bit like a 5 year old's cake, but it was pretty, and yummy. Mango, because he doesn't like chocolate (yeah, I know. Freak.)

Kristy at a door leading out to the lawn. A lot of cars had to park on the grass because there just wasn't enough space. She was worried that her car would sink into the mud. (It didn't, as far as I know)

Peewee was upset that I took pictures of everyone else, but not of her, so I did.

Doranne, Mel, Farah, Wesley and Kristy fighting over the sushi. Before that they were fighting over the stingray. I don't blame them though, the food was yum!

Before I knew it, it was Monday. Back to school, back to crap. Here's nut stressing out over her Student Exchange Programme details, and peewee promoting NutriSoy. Healthfreak.

Now it's Tuesday, I've been done with class for the past two hours, I'm still full up from lunch at NYDC with nut (nanny nanny boo boo Jeevan, that's what you get for sleeping in) and I still have half an hour to kill before my project meeting.

Wish me luck with the PRCs.

fingers crossed,
achesy, who misses someone who has to draw a family tree for class. Snort.

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