Thursday, January 25, 2007


Is it just me, or do the best things seem to happen when you're feeling at your lowest? Maybe it's just that you're feeling so blue, that when something happy happens, you appreciate it a zillion times better.

Case in point, if you scroll down one entry, you'll see I started the day in a right funk. I got into the car, and dug up an old cd of my sister's. Comfort music from the 80's and 90's, coupled with a Vanilla latte from 'bucks, and the drive to school saw me already perking up muchly.

A lecture I actually kind of enjoyed later, I was picking up Nut, Fiong, PeesWees and Ben for lunch. I got some pretty good mee goreng, which I'd actually been craving for a bit, then Ben went off to fantasize about unicorn sex, and the rest of us wandered around a bit before we went back to school. I went to class, Peewee and Fiong went off to "study" before yoga, and Nut went to meet her koochiewoochie snuggyboobear. Please don't kill me when you read this, I love you. And I'm so glad you finally got your jeans!

So I had good food, good company, and good music... and I got to come home to presents!

My sister bought me the ones on the left, to replace the ones on the right, because I lost the other side of that pair when I was at Mickey's birthday party at St James'.

That's the state my old mp3 player was in. I've had it for about 4 years now. It deserves a rest, the poor battered, abused, thing.

My father's not big on smses, except when it's to send people dirty jokes, so I was extra duperly glad to receive a text from him, especially when it said:

"Just bought a MP3/4 player for my dear Eku."

Have I ever mentioned what a dear my father is? He's a big old bear =)

My new Creative Zen V Plus. 4GB worth of tinkery goodness.

So there you go. Proof that you really shouldn't let the negativity bring you down. And just cos I can, here's a picture of the ECP being extremely jammed, except that you can't tell because my phone didn't pick it up too well, and traffic kept moving everytime I finally got the camera ready.

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