Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Of School, Skankyness, and Slobber

It's my day off today. I've only had two classes so far, but I already had a whole pile of reading ahead of me when I got up this morning.

My colour coded to-do list made up entirely of post its. It being the start of the year and all, I'm still verging on being extremely well organised.

I spent all afternoon reading about appropriate Business Correspondence Etiquette.

You'll never truly appreciate, until you try it youself, how difficult it is to study when you've got hours and hours of muscled tattooed sweaty grimy men just begging to be watched. Mel told me she's already got season 2 of Prison Break. mmmmmm... slobbery goodness.

A question to all of you: Just how skanky am I, really? Well I mean, I know how skanky I am, but I want to know just how much of my skankyness you're aware of. Lately, the slutty remarks seem to be resurfacing, and it got me wondering why there was that long lull for the past few months. I don't remember being exceptionally well behaved and demure. If anything, I feel like less of a slut now. I wear little skirts and I have big boobs and I see no point in not speaking about sex just because I'm in public, because it's not like everybody else doesn't know what it is. But I don't seduce men (contrary to what Hana and Mickey and Jeremy believe) and I don't sleep with other peoples boyfriends, or cheat on my own (not anymore, at least. Not having a boyfriend might have something to do with that though.) It's just odd, really, and since I'm such a fan of alliteration, and I had School and Slobber up there, I thought I'd throw in skankyness and save sex for another day. Because I know my girlfriends would love me twenty times more fervently if I wrote an entire entry on the joys/dangers/less explored aspects of sex.
My God, why haven't I thought of that before?! I could be just like Sh.... nevermind. Name no names, achesy, and you won't have people coming after you with pitchforks in the middle of the night.

Also, Roanna got here today, and she looks like a jolly happy lady. Let's hope my grandma doesn't do anything to change that countenance when she gets here tomorrow.

And just since I didn't get around to it on the day itself, here's a picture of Farah not folding paper planes, while Timmy and Swine watch the ones we'd already folded fly out of my bedroom window.

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