Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Blood Diamond

So I just got home from watching Blood Diamond with Hana and Mickey. It was a good movie, and I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't watched it yet. All I'm gonna say is, be prepared to be depressed, but in that good kind of way that makes you think. A lovely action packed boom bam dishadoosh with a message. I like those. Sometimes.

Also, I have a helluvalot of reading to get caught up on. Already. It's the second day of school. My non boyfriend's as swamped as I am, if not more, so I don't even have anybody to whine to. Boo.

That's really all. I'm too tired to write more. Love to all.

EDIT: I almost forgot. I also managed to get a Michael Jackson collection, for under $20. Booyah!

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