Wednesday, December 20, 2006

2 posts in one day!!!

I know, I know, my reading list is long enough as it is (although I should have removed Thud and Time Traveller's wife by now (the latter is extremely depressing, but oh so pretty) but I'm lazy like that) but I couldn't help getting more today.

First, I was extremely extremely hyper, then I got an amaaaazing massage. The lady even massaged my boobs. I mean, she asked me way before anything happened, and if I'd been quicker to understand her accent I would've said no, but by the time I realised, she'd already started and it seemed kind of rude to interrupt.. I'm sure you all needed that lovely mental image. But really, it was a great massage, mild feelings of being violated aside.

THEN I went to meet Mickey in town because I wanted to use my Kino vouchers, except we were both late and ended up meeting in the train, and then I got hungry, and he watched a baby being changed while trying to ignore my hyper prattle and I ate not-so-good nachos, speaking of which, the ones at Cartel are actually pretty damn good, but I'm still not sure if that might not just be because we were so hungry. Hmm. Run-on sentence. Maybe the hyperness hasn't entirely worn off yet.

Point of my story being, we went to Kino, and I picked out some stuff, but then I saw the queue and decided to come back after Christmas when people aren't so mad. Then we went to the library hoping to find Tintin for meanyhead and Asterix for me, but no such luck. I ended up getting 3 Agatha Christie books that I haven't read yet, which is great, because it's perfect mystery novel weather.

And then we window shopped for hours, and had dinner at Subway and I came home and realised I'd forgotten my keys and almost peed my pants waiting for someone to open the damn door already.

Moral of the story? If you don't understand someone's accent, take your time to respond. It's better to look like a fool, than to feel like a fool. Also, if something in your brain nags at you to check to see if you brought your keys, even if you NEVER forget your keys, CHECK TO SEE IF YOU BROUGHT YOUR DAMN KEYS. Alternatively, make sure you piss before setting off on what you know is going to be a long ass bus ride.

Also also - Mickey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I'm 2 hours and 10 minutes early, but nanny nanny boo boo, it's your birthday, and I'm gonna make sure you're excited about it.

p.s. The rest of you, we're not dating. So get that idea out of your head.

p.p.s. I met WeeWee and WeiQi but missed out on a *SQUEAL* OMG MUFFIN *HUG**AIRKISS* because he was busy doing... something. Boo. Meet me soon or I'll eat you.

p.p.s.s. I don't know why you women buy clothes from FCUK. The only nice stuff I ever see in there is for men.


Anonymous said...

Not if I eat you first you wehwehk! OMG is that yooouu? Big bad wolfing away??? ROFLMAO!

Anonymous said...

I so wanna make it my ring tone. You have a fan!