Thursday, December 07, 2006

quickie #1

Last night was the birthday party. Right now, I'm running on more or less no sleep, and I can still feel the smoke and booze running through my veins. All I really want to do is take a shower and pass out till it's time to go get lots of free coffee from Starbucks, but I figured I'd make a quickie of a post first.

I had the most awesome time. I got to see lots of people I haven't had a chance to hang out with a long while, I was made to feel extremely loved, and I got to make some people very happy too. So thanks to everyone who came down, especially the ones who had work the next day/live at the other end of the island/were worried about feeling awkward because they wouldn't know anyone else there. I really appreciate it, and it's made me extremely happy.

When I get pictures from Mel, Muffin, and anyone else who had a camera, I'll be sure to write more. For now, I'm going to catch up on some much needed sleep.

EDIT: muffin's uploaded the pictures (most of which involve me looking absolutely horrifically drunk/unphotogenic) at his website (link is in the comments). When I get the zip file from him, and the pictures from Mel, I'll try to pick my favourites and put them up. In the mean time, this is a pretty apt representation:

beautiful people, beautiful moon, beautiful night

glam-cam-whore wannabes

we do not discriminate against race, religion, or height.
Okay, actually we do. But we still love you!!!

'tis true, I was waaaay high. So nanny nanny boo boo to you if you weren't there to see me make a complete arse of myself.

Then again, I wasn't the only one who was tipsy...

Hooray for sitting around like hobos in the middle of the night with pink helium birthday balloons and party cups!

And of course, no birthday party is complete without cake! It's the first time I've ever been to a party where the ENTIRE cake got eaten.

I was looking at the pictures with Nut, and we both started gushing about what a great time we had. I just hope everyone else had as much fun as I did. More pictures later =) unless I get lazy. teehee.


Anonymous said...

Cupcake buttercups.. I've uploaded the pictures! See them at Will get down to captioning. Will send you zip file!

Lotsa luvin',

p.s. party was a blast. :)

nesarcy said...

Thanks Muffin!!! Sorry I missed you online, I was out getting free coffee from Starbucks. Try sending them to my gmail if we miss each other much longer, k? It's the same as my hotmail, just... at gmail instead.