Saturday, December 09, 2006

quickie #2

Just posting to say that I'll be in Bintan from Tuesday till probably Thursday. I actually have a room to myself, and it's already paid for, so if anyone wants to come along, all you'd have to spring for is the ferry ticket, which is about $40. I'm looking forward to lazing around all day for 3 days, without anyone to nag at me (except maybe my sister, but she'll probably be too busy lazing around herself to take much notice) but I'm always up for spending time with friends, so if you're interested, just let me know.

In other news - be prepared to see less of Shirley Shanelle Shandy/Bob in the upcoming months. Not for any particular reason other than peewee pie getting her license *grin* My days as chauffeur are coming to an end. Now I just need to wait till doof gets his own car, and mickey gets his license/bike, and I'll be all set. Not that I'll love Shirley any less though. Congratumalations Priscillia *grin*

Back to lazing around in bed with some discworld for me. Byebye!

1 comment:

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