Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Of Freaks, Fun, and (harmless) Flirtation

I'm one of those people who find it difficult to study at home, because there's the constant distractive pull of the tv, the phone, the bed, the computer.... So I go to school early some days, just to get caught up with readings and tutorials and stuff. On Monday, I found myself some prime real estate. One of the benches between LT12 and LT13 was empty. Yay me! Shade + wind + close proximity to coffee + people watching = a happy achesy.

Some of the things I saw though, rather bemused me. For instance - did I miss the explosion in the fashion industry which dictated 'Thou Shalt Don Attire Which From Afar Doth Look As Though It Be Part Of Thy School Uniform'? Because I saw at least 3 girls dressed like that. Each time I wondered why these Secondary School students were wandering around NUS with the undergrads, and each time I realised they were actually wearing stuff that must have cost them quite a bit. Why?? Why would you pay money to look like you're reusing something that cost you $20?!

Then there was the girl wearing slippers - I have nothing against slippers. If my mother didn't nag at me, I would live in my flip-flops. But this girl must have anticipated her LT being really cold, because she was wearing her slippers with toe socks. And a mini skirt. Wtf?

Oh and how about this girl?

Apparently so intent on doing her work, that she didn't realise just how obscene she looked? Gross gross gross gross gross. I'll admit, I'm not miss perfect-posture myself, but that is just nasty.

Or the girl who had lovely lovely hair........ and kept brushing it every 20 minutes. No, I kid you not. She had a hairbrush in her bag. Not a comb, not a little brush, no, a full fledged hairbrush. The kind mothers spank their kids with. Not that my mother ever spanked me, but that's because I was such a well behaved kid and never needed to be spanked. But badly behaved children is a whole different topic all together, one that we won't touch upon today.

Yesterday was a long day for me. And to make it worse, I had cramps all day. Once you go codeine, there's no turning back to regular old paracetamol. So much for carrying Panadol around with me. But, even if I did almost die during the day, I still had a really good time, because:

a) I have a beeeyooteefull dress which makes me very happy;

b) Mickey "I refuse to shave and insist on looking like a hooligan" Twinkyroo was in school today, so I had someone to abuse. I also finally met his brother, who looks nothing like him, so I'm most displeased with Jeevan "diligitally" Singh for lying to me.

c) Mickey said he missed Jeremy "I'm going to name my daughter Farah and make sure she's a slut" Heng, so we met him for coffee. And I got to watch him attempt to be avant garde. Also, I have a video of him clearly enunciating the word "cock" repeatedly. I'm willing to share, if the price is right.

d) Before I met Hana "I am a Banana" Wana, who I unfortunately forgot to take a picture of because I was too light headed from what happened just before she got there, I had lunch with a sexy man who told me my hair is beautiful. Yay me! And no, Mickey, I do not flirt with everyone. That barista at Starbucks flirted with me.

And that was my egotistical superior beliefs post for the day. Time for me to go snuggle my hot water bottle, wait for the codeine to kick in, and then get down to work. Sorry for not meeting you guys, Jeremy and Hana, but the pain is horrid this month. Love you muchly.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! is that me on your blog? how did you get my photo? are u stalking me?!?!?!?!?!??!

nesarcy said...


Anonymous said...

hahaha omg that's so funny! i miss you woman!

nesarcy said...

I miss you too, MuffinMan!