Friday, April 27, 2007

Of moving, at least temporarily

Drop a comment if you wanna know my new bitch-spot on the intrawebz.

And no Liam, stop fooling yourself. You're special and all, but not THAT special.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Of Recuperation from Unexpected Sources

I know I'm supposed to be studying, but first I got a message on MySpace from someone named Penetrathor Hammer, wanting to be my friend. So I checked out my own profile to see what he thought we had in common, this man who claims to desecrate graves, and rape nuns, on a weekly basis. And I realised I still had Lupe Fiasco and Jill Scott's Daydreaming playing on my profile, so I decided to watch their performance on Letterman again because it's so damn pretty. And while watching it for the 20th time or so, I noticed a link to a clip of Jill Scott at Def Jam Poetry. And then of course I got sucked into watching a bunch of different performers slamming, and I discovered a couple of gems:

Erykah Badu

Ishle Park talking about.... something prissy virginal folk probably don't want to watch. Especially if you're a fan of Michael Jordan.

Black Ice. Gave me goosebumps

And just cos I'm feeling a little sappy (yeah, the boy did his thing, but that doesn't mean I went giggly like a little girl, tyvm Jerm, although I'm still most amused by you equating my upgrading him to Sorta-Boyfriend status to changing his acronym from NBF to MBF.... Non and Maybe, for you slow folk out there). Here's Shihan talking about love. It's sweet.

Of burning out

I barely lasted 3 hours studying today. I only need to keep it up for 3 more days, but it's getting increasingly harder to just sit down and focus. Fuck fuck fucketty fuck fuck. I think it's the lookalikes that threw me off. Convenient to have someone to blame. Grin.

It's scary though, how many people go to Siglap 'bucks. With the new psycho Malay guy, things look set to be lots of fun. Maybe. Or he may just turn out to be REALLY psycho. Like when he mocked me for taking a while in the loo. "Were you blowing bubbles in there?!" And he has a strange obsession with talking to me in Malay. A bit wtf.

I found Polo at the 7-11 today. I was quite excited. "Life's a Hole lot cooler!"

Already got plans for Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday. Possibly Friday night too. I don't know how much I want to go to a mama party though. Hmm.

Sigh. Nap time, and hopefully the words won't still be swimming in front of my eyes when I wake up.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Of being in limbo

I don't like it when people try so hard. Maybe it's because I never try.

I don't know if it's just the pms, but I feel completely removed from everything. My papers start in 4 days, and I feel no stress. I just spent an hour soaking in the tub. I got yelled at over the phone for the most ridiculous shit and I had no reaction to it.

I did enjoy the love from F, though. So maybe I'm not completely lost.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Of Cafe Rambles, part IV

There's a helicopter doing rounds at the river today. I resorted to a grande mocha to make me happy.

Or, as MizzF would say, there's "Some machine flying around". Seriously la. The two of you damn fated. Who doesn't know what a mane is?!?!
We were at Fullerton. I tried to do 23o1 papers, but it wasn't very productive. I did see JermJerm though, and Bryan was sitting at his store too! And MizzF got her earphones. Snazzy ones. Yay =)

Lousy days tend to end on a good note. Maybe it's just because I'm so much happier by comparison. Or maybe yoga really does soothe the soul. Or maybe it was the drunken comment I received on Friendster that made me laugh like a maniac. Or finally seeing (some) of the girlies. Or MizzF and my special brownies. Or my mom being mean.

Me: Daddy, what's your friend's name?
Daddy: Which friend?
Me: The fat one.
Mom: *insert my dad's best friend's name here*

His wife is a real bitch. She's not very nice to my mom. I was most amused. (I was talking about his friend Sameer who works in the movies, btw)

I feel blessed. I'm healthy (mostly), and have great friends and family. What more could I need?

Well, some candy and/or milo would be nice. But aside from that, I'm perfectly dandy. Big smiles.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

of an eventful morning

My baby in happier times

My baby's in the hospital getting a $3000 reconstruction job. I'm sorry Shirley Shanelle Shandy, I promise to treat you better once you're out.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Of Cafe Rambles, part III

"The terminator shall be Ctrl-C. Make sure to print "Hasta la vista, baby" ;) "
- Reason #62 why my Parallel and Concurrent Programming class isn't a complete bore.

That was my lecturer's reply to a query in the forum about how our assignment should terminate.

Speaking of which, I should probably get back to work and stop laughing to myself over my conversations with the bizarre Starbucks employee who's working today. First we talked about 'shrooms, then about how to lose weight, then we made racist remarks about white people. Eeeeeevil, that man is. Evil and amusing. Just the way I like 'em.

Of Cafe Rambles, part III

"The terminator shall be Ctrl-C. Make sure to print "Hasta la vista, baby" ;) "
- Reason #62 why my Parallel and Concurrent Programming class isn't a complete bore.

That was my lecturer's reply to a query in the forum about how our assignment should terminate.

Speaking of which, I should probably get back to work and stop laughing to myself over my conversations with the bizarre Starbucks employee who's working today. First we talked about 'shrooms, then about how to lose weight, then we made racist remarks about white people. Eeeeeevil, that man is. Evil and amusing. Just the way I like 'em.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Of why my friends and I can spend all day together and still find shit to talk about on MSN

aka the post with the longest title ever.

MizzFluff says (10:24 PM):
omg thats ethnocentric BEYOND ethnocentric ah
it takes ethnocentric to a whole different level
she's like hitler

How can you not love people who compare people to Hitler, just because they expressed a dislike for you?

Also, many thanks to Twinks for the flower in my hair which made me look like Pocahontas, not Jasmine Trias, thank you very much.

Much love to the cafe dwellers.

EDIT: Doofy just cracked me up really badly. I have this as my display picture on msn:

Jerm H Doof. says (11:15 PM):
who's the fat botero?
achesy says (11:15 PM):
Jerm H Doof. says (11:15 PM):
oh, yeah, tru.
achesy says (11:15 PM):
eh. I think you may be needing some sleep
Jerm H Doof. says (11:16 PM):
no no
who drew this pic anyway?
achesy says (11:17 PM):
Jerm H Doof. says (11:17 PM):
oh. i tot it was internet graphic you grabbed MEANT to look like a fat chick which i thought looked very botero which TURNED OUT to be a mona lisa which further reinforced my opinion that it was in fact an internet graphic parody but no, it was just a fat botero mona lisa

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Of fluffy being a meandering soul

Today we found our special place. It's very romantic.

Also, I decided I like the word meandering.

If you guys could participate in the following poll (completely anonymous, of course!) I would be greatly appreciative.

Also, has anyone else seen this? I can't tell if it's the cough syrup + need for sleep that's making me find it so amusing, or if it's really as funny as it seems right now... but I'm sure some of you will enjoy it, so here you go:

I forgot to link this ages ago. Enjoy, loves =) Grab your dick and double click....

Of things said when hyper

Fluff's friend RAhUL claims that girls who go grocery shopping and eat celery sticks are sophisticated. Somehow that led to me and Fluffy reciting the following (in our best cheerleaders from Bring It On voices) in the car on the way back from Mickey's place:

Who's Fis-ti-cated?
I'm Fis-ti-cated!
How Fis-ti-cated?
SO Fis-ticated!!!! YEAH!!!

Now excuse me while I go get ready to meet her butt for yet another round of studying. I really wonder what we're going to do once school's out, because this is all we ever seem to do now - study, get hyper to release stress/tension, eat, sleep, repeat.

EDIT: Things you learn in the ShoutBox:
In the Sambia tribe, as early as age 7, young boys are expected to “suck the penis of a mature boy every night and swallow the sperm"

- Source
Also, here's a link that's got me extremely perplexed. How the fuck does ANYONE have that much patience?!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Of antisocial comforts

I know I'm slipping into this little antisocial cell, but for some reason or other I decided to un-delete all those people I'd deleted on MSN (deleted, not blocked) and just seeing them sign in and out is kinda cheering me up. Without the talking, it's just kinda nice to know that they're there, you know?

I had dinner with the wifey (I'm lagging extremely muchly with the commentary posts, I'm sorry! Make up for it soonish, promise). Sorry if I was a bit dead. This sickness is tiring me right out. If it doesn't go away soon I'll go to the doctor, even though I know she's just going to give me more paracetamol.

Somehow these conferences with Yati always cheer me up. As do Mickey and Fluffy and all the other good company. Thanks for the truffles, twinks =)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

of still being confusslated

I'm sick sick sick sick sick and it's pissing me off, mostly because I can't go to the gym and now is the perfect time for me to let off some steam by running like the crazed hounds of hell are after me.


BB and I actually walked around today instead of just sitting around. It was... a strange feeling. Also, I almost referred to you as the Fluffy Banana but that just sounds so damn wrong.

ughhhh. I want the boy to come back and baby me already.

2 more weeks and I'm done for the semester. Hmph.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

of a 100 posts already

Today was a painful kind of day. I'll be glad when I no longer have to deal with stupid people.

I don't know what I'm going to do when you get back. I don't know if I love you anymore. I don't know if I want to.

I miss the Fluff.

I want to curl up with a good book and a bar of chocolate, or a tub of ice cream, and just read for a week straight.


Sunday, April 08, 2007

of being delirious with the fever

mickey says (9:36 PM):
i watched casablanca today
i wished i lived in those times
achesy says (9:36 PM):
I watched my snot run down the drain
not really
achesy says (9:37 PM):
I just felt like saying that
oh god
I'm really hyper
mickey says (9:37 PM):
are you trying to scare me?
cause u're freaking me out!!!!!!!!

of yet more rambles from the coffee shops

Reason #46 why I love hindi movies:
Varun: I already told you, you can't come along.
Gayathri: Varun!
Varun: This is the end of the road for you, baby. Go back. Please.
Gayathri: Varun!
Varun: I love you Gayathri. Good bye.
Gayathri: Varun!
How fucked up is it when you start to relate to Top 40's hits?

I'm running a slight fever. Enough to let me remember the good times with the ex. Which makes me think maybe I know, at least some what, what it is I want from a relationship. But as usual, I can't put it into words. It's okay though, I have a while yet to work on that.


Friday, April 06, 2007

Of things I bet you didn't know

Every time the weekend rolls around, my feet start itching to be squished into painful but oh so gorgeous shoes and taken out dancing. 3 weeks till my semester ends bitches, and then I'm going to have a long fun filled week before settling down into boredom for the next 3 months.

I just ditched Swine on MSN. She was about to start a drunken conversation with me, but luckily for me I have to get dressed for Friday Night Dinner, so I had an escape route.

Reason #72653839 why I'm so glad I have cool parents:
pooofta said:
o shit moms iming me
i have to remember to cleverly avoid
She wants to make babies with the dad from My Family. I want to make babies with the son. Does that mean my kids would call her gramma?

Random musings while at Starbucks "studying":

A funny thing happened today. A stranger spoke to me, saw no reason to ask someone else. Maybe I'm not as fiercefromkeepingitin as I used to be, after all.

I love watching grown men eat ice cream with a kind of silent bliss radiating outward. It's like a gentle reminder that as much as you've ignored it, the child inside of you probably hasn't died yet.

If the NBF won't say it, I'll take it from Axl Rose instead.
That last part would stem from listening to Don't Cry like 300 gabillion times on repeat the past week.

Reason #27 why I love Friendster:
  • You never know what you'll find. In front you have kitty, then you have two random pleasantly nonhomophobic young men, then you have Snoopy who.. well.. never mind, let's not discuss the girlfriends' dirty little secrets in public... and then behind him, you have... *drumroll* My ass! That was the night I spent an abnormally large amount of time sitting on a staircase, and was greatly amused by Smelly's bulimic tendencies. Also, for the benefit of BB, that's the night I met your fiance to be, and his deceptively attractive rich friend.

Yeah really, that's about it for now. Weird. I was sure I had shit to prattle on about. I guess I'm just in a lazy public holiday kinda mood. I spent all day lounging around just reading a nerdy fantasy novel. My plans for my holidays involve either signing up for WoW or getting a job so I can indulge in guilt-free shopping in the land of Oz.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Of spewing the biggety beats

BB and I finished our work in an abnormally short amount of time today, and then I was too dead to do ANYTHING, so we went home. And now I'm going to be starving at 9pm because I'd already told my mommy not to make anything for me cos I wouldn't be home for dinner. Champions.

Speaking of mommy.... I got out of the shower today and she told me that she'd been needing to pee for ages and had been waiting for me. So I said to her:

I'm sorry for taking time to make myself clean
I apologise for having a sense of hygiene,
hey I'm standing here in my towel just trying to rhyme,
So won't you please give me some of your precious time

And then she slammed the bathroom door in my face, so it was a very short lived rap. Oh well.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Of disillusionment rolling into familiarity

Today when Sean saw me online the first thing he said was "buy me a drink". I love how he automatically assumed I was at a Starbucks.

Today when I walked into the tutorial room I moved automatically towards "our" seats, only to find people already sitting there. For a couple of seconds I just stared at them completely perplexed, and then finally moved somewhere else.

Today when I had my group meeting i was actually involved in the first part of the discussion. Then they started talking in Chinese and I took a little nap.

Today I didn't get knots of icky meeting-new-people anticipation when the superhero synonymed boy and I made plans for a movie date, then an hour or so later he told me he had to postpone.

Today I was driving with my windows down, Tupac blaring loudly, and for a split second I was transported to the days my sister used to drive us around in Herbie with a cigarette dangling languidly from her fingers out the window. Then I unglamourously flicked the ash from my own cigarette and was brought back to reality.

Today I walked into JJ and didn't recognise a single barista. Then I was settling into my favourite table outside and noticed Simon-the-ex-meanie-who-I-now-somewhat-like-because-he-made-conversation-with-me-one-rainy-day and the guy that I've dubbed Brian because he looks like a fattish ah beng version of Brian with an I.

Superhero-synonym-ed-boy, if you're reading this, Hello!

Also, since I promised:

I love Muffin (and muffins) dearly.

SmellyMel, I had a pretty message all typed out for you, but I'm not sharing it here because I don't want to get yelled at. Grin. See you Thursday at yoga, love.

Note to self:
2301 script, April 5th
3215 slides, April 7th
2301 + 3215 presentations, April 10th
3211 assignment, April 16th