Friday, April 13, 2007

Of antisocial comforts

I know I'm slipping into this little antisocial cell, but for some reason or other I decided to un-delete all those people I'd deleted on MSN (deleted, not blocked) and just seeing them sign in and out is kinda cheering me up. Without the talking, it's just kinda nice to know that they're there, you know?

I had dinner with the wifey (I'm lagging extremely muchly with the commentary posts, I'm sorry! Make up for it soonish, promise). Sorry if I was a bit dead. This sickness is tiring me right out. If it doesn't go away soon I'll go to the doctor, even though I know she's just going to give me more paracetamol.

Somehow these conferences with Yati always cheer me up. As do Mickey and Fluffy and all the other good company. Thanks for the truffles, twinks =)

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