Friday, April 20, 2007

Of Cafe Rambles, part IV

There's a helicopter doing rounds at the river today. I resorted to a grande mocha to make me happy.

Or, as MizzF would say, there's "Some machine flying around". Seriously la. The two of you damn fated. Who doesn't know what a mane is?!?!
We were at Fullerton. I tried to do 23o1 papers, but it wasn't very productive. I did see JermJerm though, and Bryan was sitting at his store too! And MizzF got her earphones. Snazzy ones. Yay =)

Lousy days tend to end on a good note. Maybe it's just because I'm so much happier by comparison. Or maybe yoga really does soothe the soul. Or maybe it was the drunken comment I received on Friendster that made me laugh like a maniac. Or finally seeing (some) of the girlies. Or MizzF and my special brownies. Or my mom being mean.

Me: Daddy, what's your friend's name?
Daddy: Which friend?
Me: The fat one.
Mom: *insert my dad's best friend's name here*

His wife is a real bitch. She's not very nice to my mom. I was most amused. (I was talking about his friend Sameer who works in the movies, btw)

I feel blessed. I'm healthy (mostly), and have great friends and family. What more could I need?

Well, some candy and/or milo would be nice. But aside from that, I'm perfectly dandy. Big smiles.

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