Sunday, April 08, 2007

of yet more rambles from the coffee shops

Reason #46 why I love hindi movies:
Varun: I already told you, you can't come along.
Gayathri: Varun!
Varun: This is the end of the road for you, baby. Go back. Please.
Gayathri: Varun!
Varun: I love you Gayathri. Good bye.
Gayathri: Varun!
How fucked up is it when you start to relate to Top 40's hits?

I'm running a slight fever. Enough to let me remember the good times with the ex. Which makes me think maybe I know, at least some what, what it is I want from a relationship. But as usual, I can't put it into words. It's okay though, I have a while yet to work on that.


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