Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Of spewing the biggety beats

BB and I finished our work in an abnormally short amount of time today, and then I was too dead to do ANYTHING, so we went home. And now I'm going to be starving at 9pm because I'd already told my mommy not to make anything for me cos I wouldn't be home for dinner. Champions.

Speaking of mommy.... I got out of the shower today and she told me that she'd been needing to pee for ages and had been waiting for me. So I said to her:

I'm sorry for taking time to make myself clean
I apologise for having a sense of hygiene,
hey I'm standing here in my towel just trying to rhyme,
So won't you please give me some of your precious time

And then she slammed the bathroom door in my face, so it was a very short lived rap. Oh well.

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