Saturday, April 14, 2007

Of things said when hyper

Fluff's friend RAhUL claims that girls who go grocery shopping and eat celery sticks are sophisticated. Somehow that led to me and Fluffy reciting the following (in our best cheerleaders from Bring It On voices) in the car on the way back from Mickey's place:

Who's Fis-ti-cated?
I'm Fis-ti-cated!
How Fis-ti-cated?
SO Fis-ticated!!!! YEAH!!!

Now excuse me while I go get ready to meet her butt for yet another round of studying. I really wonder what we're going to do once school's out, because this is all we ever seem to do now - study, get hyper to release stress/tension, eat, sleep, repeat.

EDIT: Things you learn in the ShoutBox:
In the Sambia tribe, as early as age 7, young boys are expected to “suck the penis of a mature boy every night and swallow the sperm"

- Source
Also, here's a link that's got me extremely perplexed. How the fuck does ANYONE have that much patience?!

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