Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Of disillusionment rolling into familiarity

Today when Sean saw me online the first thing he said was "buy me a drink". I love how he automatically assumed I was at a Starbucks.

Today when I walked into the tutorial room I moved automatically towards "our" seats, only to find people already sitting there. For a couple of seconds I just stared at them completely perplexed, and then finally moved somewhere else.

Today when I had my group meeting i was actually involved in the first part of the discussion. Then they started talking in Chinese and I took a little nap.

Today I didn't get knots of icky meeting-new-people anticipation when the superhero synonymed boy and I made plans for a movie date, then an hour or so later he told me he had to postpone.

Today I was driving with my windows down, Tupac blaring loudly, and for a split second I was transported to the days my sister used to drive us around in Herbie with a cigarette dangling languidly from her fingers out the window. Then I unglamourously flicked the ash from my own cigarette and was brought back to reality.

Today I walked into JJ and didn't recognise a single barista. Then I was settling into my favourite table outside and noticed Simon-the-ex-meanie-who-I-now-somewhat-like-because-he-made-conversation-with-me-one-rainy-day and the guy that I've dubbed Brian because he looks like a fattish ah beng version of Brian with an I.

Superhero-synonym-ed-boy, if you're reading this, Hello!

Also, since I promised:

I love Muffin (and muffins) dearly.

SmellyMel, I had a pretty message all typed out for you, but I'm not sharing it here because I don't want to get yelled at. Grin. See you Thursday at yoga, love.

Note to self:
2301 script, April 5th
3215 slides, April 7th
2301 + 3215 presentations, April 10th
3211 assignment, April 16th

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