Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Of Recuperation from Unexpected Sources

I know I'm supposed to be studying, but first I got a message on MySpace from someone named Penetrathor Hammer, wanting to be my friend. So I checked out my own profile to see what he thought we had in common, this man who claims to desecrate graves, and rape nuns, on a weekly basis. And I realised I still had Lupe Fiasco and Jill Scott's Daydreaming playing on my profile, so I decided to watch their performance on Letterman again because it's so damn pretty. And while watching it for the 20th time or so, I noticed a link to a clip of Jill Scott at Def Jam Poetry. And then of course I got sucked into watching a bunch of different performers slamming, and I discovered a couple of gems:

Erykah Badu

Ishle Park talking about.... something prissy virginal folk probably don't want to watch. Especially if you're a fan of Michael Jordan.

Black Ice. Gave me goosebumps

And just cos I'm feeling a little sappy (yeah, the boy did his thing, but that doesn't mean I went giggly like a little girl, tyvm Jerm, although I'm still most amused by you equating my upgrading him to Sorta-Boyfriend status to changing his acronym from NBF to MBF.... Non and Maybe, for you slow folk out there). Here's Shihan talking about love. It's sweet.

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