Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Of burning out

I barely lasted 3 hours studying today. I only need to keep it up for 3 more days, but it's getting increasingly harder to just sit down and focus. Fuck fuck fucketty fuck fuck. I think it's the lookalikes that threw me off. Convenient to have someone to blame. Grin.

It's scary though, how many people go to Siglap 'bucks. With the new psycho Malay guy, things look set to be lots of fun. Maybe. Or he may just turn out to be REALLY psycho. Like when he mocked me for taking a while in the loo. "Were you blowing bubbles in there?!" And he has a strange obsession with talking to me in Malay. A bit wtf.

I found Polo at the 7-11 today. I was quite excited. "Life's a Hole lot cooler!"

Already got plans for Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday. Possibly Friday night too. I don't know how much I want to go to a mama party though. Hmm.

Sigh. Nap time, and hopefully the words won't still be swimming in front of my eyes when I wake up.

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