Monday, April 16, 2007

Of why my friends and I can spend all day together and still find shit to talk about on MSN

aka the post with the longest title ever.

MizzFluff says (10:24 PM):
omg thats ethnocentric BEYOND ethnocentric ah
it takes ethnocentric to a whole different level
she's like hitler

How can you not love people who compare people to Hitler, just because they expressed a dislike for you?

Also, many thanks to Twinks for the flower in my hair which made me look like Pocahontas, not Jasmine Trias, thank you very much.

Much love to the cafe dwellers.

EDIT: Doofy just cracked me up really badly. I have this as my display picture on msn:

Jerm H Doof. says (11:15 PM):
who's the fat botero?
achesy says (11:15 PM):
Jerm H Doof. says (11:15 PM):
oh, yeah, tru.
achesy says (11:15 PM):
eh. I think you may be needing some sleep
Jerm H Doof. says (11:16 PM):
no no
who drew this pic anyway?
achesy says (11:17 PM):
Jerm H Doof. says (11:17 PM):
oh. i tot it was internet graphic you grabbed MEANT to look like a fat chick which i thought looked very botero which TURNED OUT to be a mona lisa which further reinforced my opinion that it was in fact an internet graphic parody but no, it was just a fat botero mona lisa

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