Tuesday, November 28, 2006

conspiracy theorist, part 1

They're all out to get us. How, I ask you, is anyone supposed to study in weather like this? How can you not spend all day just curled up in bed? How?!?! I'm extremely muchly looking forward to December now.

Last night, after dinner (I stuffed myself silly with a giant burrito, tons of nachos and 4 margaritas. I also discovered that rose tequila on the rocks is deeeelicious. Invokes an alcoholic's inner child's love for rose syrup and milk.) I ended up going with my sister to Hard Rock Cafe to watch Kumar and Company. Fun stuff. He fell in love with my sister, for reals. Kept telling her how pretty she is, and how she should never change, and on and on and on. Cracked me up.

Shake it like a polaroid picture!

I just like this picture a lot. It mirrors real life so well. Happy Birthday Schnookies!

Also, a very very happy birthday to my model-esque friend, NuttyPuttster, seen here showcasing her killer smile. Which was actually dyed blue from too many m&ms, but my camera didn't pick it up. Boo. Yet another reason to save up for a new camera. Anyhow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you're extremely loved ♥

Monday, November 27, 2006

craving crowds, gasp.

I went to pick up my sister's present in town after my paper today, and I had a really hard time dragging myself away from the crowds. Whoah. This hermit-lifestyle-studying-all-day-everyday thing is definately taking a toll on me. Since when do I like crowds?!

In other news. We went Songs of India for my dad's birthday. Expensive, upscale North Indian food in one of those shophouses along Scotts Road. Extremely yummy. Kebabs that melted in your mouth, tandoori chicken that almost made my sister turn carnivorous (she's usually quite the vegetarian, by choice)... and the chicken we had with our naans, don't even get me started. My tummy was extremely happy.

Dinner tonight at Iguana's probably. Yumyum. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCHNOOKUMS. Your baby sister loves you.

Friday, November 24, 2006

NSFF - not safe for fun

For my own reference: (done, to be read)


  • Chapter 1 - intro
  • Chapter 2 - processes
  • Chapter 3 - synch & comm
  • Chapter 4 - devices
  • Chapter 5 - mem management
  • Chapter 6 - file systems
  • Chapter 7 - selected topics
  • Chapter 1 - intro
  • Chapter 2 - process management
  • Chapter 3 - interprocess comm & synch
  • Chapter 4 - mem managment
  • Chapter 5 - virtual mem
  • Chapter 6 - file system management
  • Chapter 7 - device management
  • Chapter 8 - security


  • Chapter 1 - Computer Networks and the Internet
  • Chapter 2 - Application Layer
  • Chapter 3 - Transport Layer
  • Chapter 4 - Network Layer
  • Chapter 5 - Link Layer and LANs
  • Chapter 6 - Wireless and Mobile Networks
  • Chapter 8 - Security in Computer Networks

  • Chapter 3 - Software Development Processes
  • Chapter 4 - Restaurant System: Business Modelling
  • Chapter 5 - Restaurant System: Analysis
  • Chapter 6 - Restaurant System: Design
  • Chapter 8 - Class and Object Diagrams
  • Chapter 10 - Statecharts
  • Chapter 13 - Implementation Strategies
  • Chapter 14.6 - Design Patterns
  • Chapter 1 - Introduction to UML
  • Chapter 2 - Modelling with Objects
  • Chapter 9 - Interaction Diagrams

  • Chapter 1 - Introduction
  • Chapter 2 - Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency
  • Chapter 3 - Brute Force
  • Chapter 4 - Divide-and-Conquer
  • Chapter 5 - Decrease-and-Conquer
  • Chapter 6 - Transform-and-Conquer
  • Chapter 8 - Dynamic Programming
  • Chapter 9 - Greedy Technique
  • Chapter 11 - Coping with the Limitations of Algorithm Power

  • Chapter 1 - Overview of Database Systems
  • Chapter 2 - Introduction to Database Design
  • Chapter 3 - The Relational Model
  • Chapter 1 - What's in a Database?
  • Chapter 2 - Relational Model
  • Chapter 3 - Relational Calculus
  • Chapter 4 - Relational Algebra
  • Chapter 5 - SQL
  • Chapter 6 - SQL and Programming Languages
  • Chapter 7 - Entity-Relationship Model
  • Chapter 8 - Normalisation
  • Chapter 9 - Conclusion

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


The days leading up to today were full of beautiful things, beautiful people, beautiful places..

Near the cricket club. There's actually a game going on, but you can't see it in this picture.

One Fullerton. The place that spikes your coffee, if you're not careful. Grin. It's odd, but being near water makes me feel infinitely more at ease. That's why I love being at home so much I guess, when you've got a view like the one out of my bedroom window, there's not much reason to get out. Unfortunately, it also means I spend a lot of time spacing out and not studying.

Doof in his apron. He likes to say the word cock. He finds it rolls off the tongue more pleasurably than penis, or dick. If you see this face at my birthday party, be sure to ply him with more alcohol. Unless he's puking. In that case, give him some water, let him sober up a bit, and then ply him with more alcohol.

Marina South. Before I met twinky for ice cream. Numnum, AND prettyness!

Yesterday I hung out with nut at her aunt's place (I finished my chapter, nanny nanny boo boo.. stop reading this and go STUDY you bum!) then I met the girls (and one guy, but don't worry Wes, I was glad you were around. Pity Tim didn't come too, but hey, there's always the party!) for drinkies at Cafe Iguana. peewee was extremely misleading as usual, so I ended up having a LOT of margaritas. They made me happy. Except for needing to pee desperately by the time I got home.

My cake! Fiona apparently took a video of them singing me the birthday song. If I get it from her, and nothing obscenely stupid goes on in it, I may share.

Crazy happy people. Kristy had exams, or it would have been all the girls. pfft.

Wesley's a smelly monkey. I hope you scored lots of (non-own) goals at the cage!

This morning my parents came home from their trip to India, and woke me up at about 7:30 to wish me happy birthday. At first I didn't see it, and was a bit puzzled, because my sister always gets me AWESOME gifts every year, and I either open them the night before my birthday, or she's got something nifty waiting for me when I wake up. I remember there was one year I was sleeping on the pull out bed in her room, and she cut out little arrows and pasted them on the floor next to me leading to a little cross, on which there was a bottle with a rolled up message inside, leading me to my present.

Eventually though, after getting my loot from my parents (woohoo new books! no vouchers this year though, they're sponsoring my chalet. I think.) I came back to my room, sat down in my chair, and noticed:

Shopping, pedicures, and massages. See what I mean by awesome presents?

I just got done with lunch (mommy made fried rice, I've been craving it for weeks!) and later we're all going to watch the new Bond movie and then have dinner somewheres. I havn't decided where yet, but I betcha it's gonna be a great meal wherever we go.

I'm a happy little birthday girl =)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

sneak peak

Happy Birthday Eve to me!!

Post with birthday news, exam news, random news, and lots of pictures coming up...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

best guy friends a girl could ask for

Right now, like literally right now, I've got a man with the sexiest voice ever playing me a song on his guitar. I get to listen to the whole of Stairway to Heaven, and this is just a preview to my birthday song.

And before this, I spent the night being traumatised by doof and twinks. Twinky was attempting to throw me off my own bed, and doof was alternating between demonstrating how female Japanese porn stars moan/cry, and clutching his crotch and asking my mirror, "Would you like some cock?"

We also had pizza and watched Swordfish. Flying buses ftw!

Being serenaded makes me go all giggly, for reals. Even if it is just over the interweb. Teehee.

Pictures from the week, and other random stories coming up when my brains not all mushy from feeling loved.

All smiles.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

there is no denying

Woke up this morning to the sight of all the furniture in the living room being squeezed onto the carpet, the dining room chairs squashed into the passageway, and the entire expanse of marble flooring completely bare. And I probably wouldn't even have noticed if I hadn't walked into every single one of those 6 chairs while trying to make my way to the loo.

There really is no denying it. My house is a bizarro-magnet.

Also, I find it extremely apt that I also woke up with this song in my head today:

Whigfield - When I Think Of You

When I think of you (x3)
I need your body tonight

I got me feelings and now it is part of me
You got me reeling, right into the heart of me,
Don't keep me waiting, cos I need your body tonight

I got me thinking, my life it was ending
and when I was sinking, I found me a friend
And now you've got me singing I need you inside me tonight

When I think of you, I feel like flying
Like a dream come true
Not cos I'm dying
When I think of you
I need your body tonight

With your affection, my life ain't the same
Cos it's like ressurection, I'm calling your name
And you're close to perfection
And I need your body tonight

I got me thinking, my life it was ending
and when I was sinking, I found me a friend
And now you've got me singing I need you inside me tonight

When I think of you, I feel like flying
Like a dream come true
Not cos I'm dying
When I think of you
I need your body tonight

I've been asked to spread the word. So ladies, if you're interested in a tall, sexy, extremely talented young man, let me know and I'll hook you up. And yes, I am most certainly talking about bedroom skills here.

Off to school for achesy. After some coffee of course. And hopefully without walking into anymore precariously placed furniture.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

doof is a greedy pig.

Sillycow and I gave each other our birthday presents early this year. He got a lift home and van houten raisinettes and chicken tenders from BK, and I got counselling and love. And then on my way back I got my 3rd coffee on the week. I'm only averaging 1.4 cups a day now! Maybe I'll actually not go bankrupt before my folks get back. Gosh I miss them.

I was going to say something else, but now I can't remember. That's been happening a lot lately.

Oh yeah. I broke a mirror tonight. Fucksadoodles. I did toss some salt over my left shoulder during lunch, per advise of Mister Doofle Doodles, so hopefully it all balances out some.

Starbuuuucks with HanaWana (who now reads my blog, HALLO!) tomorrow, yay yay yay. That is, after another day of studying. 6 more chapters and 4 modules to go. Tralala. Lala.

grumpyness, gigglyness, and googlyness


Studying till way past midnight, after waking up early, makes achesy a very grumpy girl. On the other hand, at least I'll know for sure this semester that I did my best. I've never been one of those crazy HARDCORE MUGGING BRAINDEAD ZOMBIE type students. It drives me mad, that I have to do rote-learning, even at this stage. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?


People are all excited about my birthday party for me. Everyone's been volunteering to help out, bring stuff, tell people, etc, etc, etc, and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Also, knowing that someone WANTS to be there for me, tends to blow me away, everytime. I KNOW I've got some of the awesomest friends a girl could ask for, but every so often they force me to take a step back and go "damn. They really love me, don't they?" I'm tempted to say I am not worthy, but hey, I'm the pwincess, of course I'm worthy *grin*

Also also, being apologised to when the other person was really in the wrong, and then being baby-ed after that - I don't let people do it often, but it was a really nice feeling. So thanks, babe. I needed that. And I'll try to be more cupcake-y from now on =)

Also-also-also, I believe the PERFECT birthday present for me EVER would be a wonder woman vibrator. I can just picture it: I have sex with WW all the time!


All my friends know that I have a tendency towards bizarre dreams. Last night wasn't any less googly than usual.

It involved doof, nut, twinks, and the rest of the TP Drama gang, building a house. As in a stage prop, that was a house. Approximately 25 feet tall. Out of that plasticy-corrugated stuff you always end up using in projects in Secondary school. There was a fight between doof and Patrick over the door (oh sweet memories).

Also, this all took place in a resort, which resembled the haunted camps you always see on shows like Nickelodeans "Are You Afraid Of The Dark". Inside one of the cabins, someone (I can't remember now, but he exuded a sense of Zeus-ness about him. I bet if the dream had gone on he'd turn out to be some Greek God Human hybrid, just like that book I read last year) found a giant manual, called "Lodging Complaints".

We decided to refer to it when a ferret-y type animal poured lighter fluid all around a group of playing babies, and one of the babies almost set themselves on fire. Eventually we got the babies away to safety, and then someone (I'm thinking Jamie) pressed the detonator (yes, there was a detonator for the lighter fluid) and set the fluid on fire. After it had burnt itself out, it spelt out a message, to the effect of "This is why people always run away, it's not a freaky coincidence, we really can communicate with you, etc etc" which made us all realise that the camp wasn't really haunted, but we knew we couldn't tell anyone, because also included in the message was the fact that when previous residents had tried to share the information, the message always mysteriously disappeared. Either it rained so hard there was a mudslide over the clearing and covered the burnt grass, or everything burned down, or something else to that effect.

So Zeus-type-dude picked up the manual, in which a woman who claimed to be Mary communicated with him, and Jesus ended up culminating an adventure with waking up at home not quite sure if everything had really happened, or if he had just been too drunk, because Mary was acting like nothing had happened.

And that was my lovely dream. Weeeekid.

EDIT: saddest most adorable thing everrrr.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

bullet post

I know this pisses doof off, but I only just woke up, so point form ftw!

  • I've had 11 coffees in the span of 5 days. No bloody wonder I'm poor.
  • When I get REALLY angry, I get a case of the shakes, and then I die a little inside.
  • I secretly adore Robbie Williams' songs.
  • I miss my momma and pops.
  • peewee loaned me a mouse. woohoo. No more frustration at the lack of a red-light, this one shines BLUE.
  • My birthday party's been confirmed for the 6th of December. EVERYBODY's invited. Unless I really hate you. In which case you wouldn't be reading this anyway, so yay you!
  • doof is secretly evil. He wants to play pool today, only because I'm one of the few people who play worse than him. Hmph.
  • It is entirely possible to survive on raisin bread and waffle crisps. And peppermint mochas, of course.
luff. study buns.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

widespread mispronounciation

heard my name on the radio last night. Carrie Chong read out a story I wrote in less than a minute. Not worthy of a $100 hamper, but definately worth the effort just so I could hear her butcher my name, just like I'd bet her she would.

C'mon now. It's not that hard a name to pronounce, is it?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

a question

Am I the only one who starts to feel vaguely disembodied at this time of the year?

Also, doofy's cam tends to take awesome pictures. If I could just get past this need to resorting to stupid faces whenever a camera's aimed in my direction.

Also also, Benjamin cracked me up today:

him: (talking about one of the assignments a module he's taking) you can ask your friends to do it. I did.
me: horrible.
him: Why? If you had musically inclined friends, you would do it too what.
me: No. I'm very honest.
him: Yeah, right.
me: It's the truth!
him: yeah. Hey look. Isn't that my pet pig flying past your window?

Monday, November 06, 2006

thoughts for the day

- It seems that looking like old school minahs is back in fashion. I saw atleast 4 Chinese girls dressed in skinny jeans, kitten heels, and tight black tees, with too much make up on their faces, walking around with whole lots of 'tude. Possibly the wrong kind, but who am I to judge.

- the boy reminded me of Lemon. So I did a little scrimagging around, and found something I'd like to have for my birthday. That also reminded me that I should update my wishlist.

- Peppermint mochas are back at Starbucks! First thing in the morning:

and my sister bought me another one when I got home from school:

- pms sucks major ass.

- yodelling at the dinner table can be fun

- I will never be able to remember all the things that make me go "ooo I should blog about this" throughout the day. Ever. So I may as well give up.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

alcohol vs milk powder

My girls are out drinking, while I'm at home covered in baby puke, but there's no better way I can think of to have spent my night. Bubby, Ima miss you sorely when you leave. And my brother and sissypoo-in-law too, of course.

It's been a good couple of weeks. Now I just need to get rid of this queasyness (I'm not pregnant not that I was worried, pshaw, it's just the stomach flu yet again) and then it's time to get back to studying for finals.

p.s. My birthday's in 2 and a half weeks. I like presents. Suprise presents are the best. The plan as of now is to meet the boys in the afternoon, the family at night, and the girls later at night, and then a giant party after exams are over. Everyone's invited, yay! And yes, that includes you goobers who live in far off foreign lands. Come to Stinkapore, you'll have a good time, trust me. My nephew sure did.

okay, so maybe he looks like he's about to cry, but that's only because he's approximately 2.5 minutes away from throwing up more milk that any baby should be physically capable of containing. Also, this is why I NEVER smile in pictures.

banging on the tables and sticking his tongue out as usual. He loves ice cream, but likes Irish Cream coffee more. And he flirted with the staff at NYDC.

Only reason he's smiling there, is because he hasn't realised yet who's holding him. That's the aunt who scared him 7 times in the span of 10 minutes, just cos "it's fun to watch him get scared like that!" He cried each time. Poor baby.

Another minute, and bhabhiji would've caught first class puke action on camera.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

teenage sex and programmers

Yesterday, my lecturer (one of those nice, earnest, Software Engineer from India types) told us that testing your programs is a lot like teenage sex. Many people claim to have done it, but the few who really do it, don't spend nearly enough time on it.

The things you learn in school never cease to astound me.