Tuesday, November 14, 2006

grumpyness, gigglyness, and googlyness


Studying till way past midnight, after waking up early, makes achesy a very grumpy girl. On the other hand, at least I'll know for sure this semester that I did my best. I've never been one of those crazy HARDCORE MUGGING BRAINDEAD ZOMBIE type students. It drives me mad, that I have to do rote-learning, even at this stage. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?


People are all excited about my birthday party for me. Everyone's been volunteering to help out, bring stuff, tell people, etc, etc, etc, and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Also, knowing that someone WANTS to be there for me, tends to blow me away, everytime. I KNOW I've got some of the awesomest friends a girl could ask for, but every so often they force me to take a step back and go "damn. They really love me, don't they?" I'm tempted to say I am not worthy, but hey, I'm the pwincess, of course I'm worthy *grin*

Also also, being apologised to when the other person was really in the wrong, and then being baby-ed after that - I don't let people do it often, but it was a really nice feeling. So thanks, babe. I needed that. And I'll try to be more cupcake-y from now on =)

Also-also-also, I believe the PERFECT birthday present for me EVER would be a wonder woman vibrator. I can just picture it: I have sex with WW all the time!


All my friends know that I have a tendency towards bizarre dreams. Last night wasn't any less googly than usual.

It involved doof, nut, twinks, and the rest of the TP Drama gang, building a house. As in a stage prop, that was a house. Approximately 25 feet tall. Out of that plasticy-corrugated stuff you always end up using in projects in Secondary school. There was a fight between doof and Patrick over the door (oh sweet memories).

Also, this all took place in a resort, which resembled the haunted camps you always see on shows like Nickelodeans "Are You Afraid Of The Dark". Inside one of the cabins, someone (I can't remember now, but he exuded a sense of Zeus-ness about him. I bet if the dream had gone on he'd turn out to be some Greek God Human hybrid, just like that book I read last year) found a giant manual, called "Lodging Complaints".

We decided to refer to it when a ferret-y type animal poured lighter fluid all around a group of playing babies, and one of the babies almost set themselves on fire. Eventually we got the babies away to safety, and then someone (I'm thinking Jamie) pressed the detonator (yes, there was a detonator for the lighter fluid) and set the fluid on fire. After it had burnt itself out, it spelt out a message, to the effect of "This is why people always run away, it's not a freaky coincidence, we really can communicate with you, etc etc" which made us all realise that the camp wasn't really haunted, but we knew we couldn't tell anyone, because also included in the message was the fact that when previous residents had tried to share the information, the message always mysteriously disappeared. Either it rained so hard there was a mudslide over the clearing and covered the burnt grass, or everything burned down, or something else to that effect.

So Zeus-type-dude picked up the manual, in which a woman who claimed to be Mary communicated with him, and Jesus ended up culminating an adventure with waking up at home not quite sure if everything had really happened, or if he had just been too drunk, because Mary was acting like nothing had happened.

And that was my lovely dream. Weeeekid.

EDIT: saddest most adorable thing everrrr.

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