Friday, November 24, 2006

NSFF - not safe for fun

For my own reference: (done, to be read)


  • Chapter 1 - intro
  • Chapter 2 - processes
  • Chapter 3 - synch & comm
  • Chapter 4 - devices
  • Chapter 5 - mem management
  • Chapter 6 - file systems
  • Chapter 7 - selected topics
  • Chapter 1 - intro
  • Chapter 2 - process management
  • Chapter 3 - interprocess comm & synch
  • Chapter 4 - mem managment
  • Chapter 5 - virtual mem
  • Chapter 6 - file system management
  • Chapter 7 - device management
  • Chapter 8 - security


  • Chapter 1 - Computer Networks and the Internet
  • Chapter 2 - Application Layer
  • Chapter 3 - Transport Layer
  • Chapter 4 - Network Layer
  • Chapter 5 - Link Layer and LANs
  • Chapter 6 - Wireless and Mobile Networks
  • Chapter 8 - Security in Computer Networks

  • Chapter 3 - Software Development Processes
  • Chapter 4 - Restaurant System: Business Modelling
  • Chapter 5 - Restaurant System: Analysis
  • Chapter 6 - Restaurant System: Design
  • Chapter 8 - Class and Object Diagrams
  • Chapter 10 - Statecharts
  • Chapter 13 - Implementation Strategies
  • Chapter 14.6 - Design Patterns
  • Chapter 1 - Introduction to UML
  • Chapter 2 - Modelling with Objects
  • Chapter 9 - Interaction Diagrams

  • Chapter 1 - Introduction
  • Chapter 2 - Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency
  • Chapter 3 - Brute Force
  • Chapter 4 - Divide-and-Conquer
  • Chapter 5 - Decrease-and-Conquer
  • Chapter 6 - Transform-and-Conquer
  • Chapter 8 - Dynamic Programming
  • Chapter 9 - Greedy Technique
  • Chapter 11 - Coping with the Limitations of Algorithm Power

  • Chapter 1 - Overview of Database Systems
  • Chapter 2 - Introduction to Database Design
  • Chapter 3 - The Relational Model
  • Chapter 1 - What's in a Database?
  • Chapter 2 - Relational Model
  • Chapter 3 - Relational Calculus
  • Chapter 4 - Relational Algebra
  • Chapter 5 - SQL
  • Chapter 6 - SQL and Programming Languages
  • Chapter 7 - Entity-Relationship Model
  • Chapter 8 - Normalisation
  • Chapter 9 - Conclusion

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