Wednesday, November 22, 2006


The days leading up to today were full of beautiful things, beautiful people, beautiful places..

Near the cricket club. There's actually a game going on, but you can't see it in this picture.

One Fullerton. The place that spikes your coffee, if you're not careful. Grin. It's odd, but being near water makes me feel infinitely more at ease. That's why I love being at home so much I guess, when you've got a view like the one out of my bedroom window, there's not much reason to get out. Unfortunately, it also means I spend a lot of time spacing out and not studying.

Doof in his apron. He likes to say the word cock. He finds it rolls off the tongue more pleasurably than penis, or dick. If you see this face at my birthday party, be sure to ply him with more alcohol. Unless he's puking. In that case, give him some water, let him sober up a bit, and then ply him with more alcohol.

Marina South. Before I met twinky for ice cream. Numnum, AND prettyness!

Yesterday I hung out with nut at her aunt's place (I finished my chapter, nanny nanny boo boo.. stop reading this and go STUDY you bum!) then I met the girls (and one guy, but don't worry Wes, I was glad you were around. Pity Tim didn't come too, but hey, there's always the party!) for drinkies at Cafe Iguana. peewee was extremely misleading as usual, so I ended up having a LOT of margaritas. They made me happy. Except for needing to pee desperately by the time I got home.

My cake! Fiona apparently took a video of them singing me the birthday song. If I get it from her, and nothing obscenely stupid goes on in it, I may share.

Crazy happy people. Kristy had exams, or it would have been all the girls. pfft.

Wesley's a smelly monkey. I hope you scored lots of (non-own) goals at the cage!

This morning my parents came home from their trip to India, and woke me up at about 7:30 to wish me happy birthday. At first I didn't see it, and was a bit puzzled, because my sister always gets me AWESOME gifts every year, and I either open them the night before my birthday, or she's got something nifty waiting for me when I wake up. I remember there was one year I was sleeping on the pull out bed in her room, and she cut out little arrows and pasted them on the floor next to me leading to a little cross, on which there was a bottle with a rolled up message inside, leading me to my present.

Eventually though, after getting my loot from my parents (woohoo new books! no vouchers this year though, they're sponsoring my chalet. I think.) I came back to my room, sat down in my chair, and noticed:

Shopping, pedicures, and massages. See what I mean by awesome presents?

I just got done with lunch (mommy made fried rice, I've been craving it for weeks!) and later we're all going to watch the new Bond movie and then have dinner somewheres. I havn't decided where yet, but I betcha it's gonna be a great meal wherever we go.

I'm a happy little birthday girl =)

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