Monday, November 27, 2006

craving crowds, gasp.

I went to pick up my sister's present in town after my paper today, and I had a really hard time dragging myself away from the crowds. Whoah. This hermit-lifestyle-studying-all-day-everyday thing is definately taking a toll on me. Since when do I like crowds?!

In other news. We went Songs of India for my dad's birthday. Expensive, upscale North Indian food in one of those shophouses along Scotts Road. Extremely yummy. Kebabs that melted in your mouth, tandoori chicken that almost made my sister turn carnivorous (she's usually quite the vegetarian, by choice)... and the chicken we had with our naans, don't even get me started. My tummy was extremely happy.

Dinner tonight at Iguana's probably. Yumyum. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCHNOOKUMS. Your baby sister loves you.

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