Sunday, November 19, 2006

best guy friends a girl could ask for

Right now, like literally right now, I've got a man with the sexiest voice ever playing me a song on his guitar. I get to listen to the whole of Stairway to Heaven, and this is just a preview to my birthday song.

And before this, I spent the night being traumatised by doof and twinks. Twinky was attempting to throw me off my own bed, and doof was alternating between demonstrating how female Japanese porn stars moan/cry, and clutching his crotch and asking my mirror, "Would you like some cock?"

We also had pizza and watched Swordfish. Flying buses ftw!

Being serenaded makes me go all giggly, for reals. Even if it is just over the interweb. Teehee.

Pictures from the week, and other random stories coming up when my brains not all mushy from feeling loved.

All smiles.

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