Tuesday, November 28, 2006

conspiracy theorist, part 1

They're all out to get us. How, I ask you, is anyone supposed to study in weather like this? How can you not spend all day just curled up in bed? How?!?! I'm extremely muchly looking forward to December now.

Last night, after dinner (I stuffed myself silly with a giant burrito, tons of nachos and 4 margaritas. I also discovered that rose tequila on the rocks is deeeelicious. Invokes an alcoholic's inner child's love for rose syrup and milk.) I ended up going with my sister to Hard Rock Cafe to watch Kumar and Company. Fun stuff. He fell in love with my sister, for reals. Kept telling her how pretty she is, and how she should never change, and on and on and on. Cracked me up.

Shake it like a polaroid picture!

I just like this picture a lot. It mirrors real life so well. Happy Birthday Schnookies!

Also, a very very happy birthday to my model-esque friend, NuttyPuttster, seen here showcasing her killer smile. Which was actually dyed blue from too many m&ms, but my camera didn't pick it up. Boo. Yet another reason to save up for a new camera. Anyhow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you're extremely loved ♥

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